Chapter 72: Vol2 Chapter 12

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Who are you?

That was the question Roshan asked himself as he stared at his reflection. He didn't recognize himself anymore. He was thinking way too much, caring way too much that he began to worry. Worrying was not his thing either. What was wrong with him these days? Since he met the Viking princess he had been unable to think of anything else but her.

Every day since she left Roshan had watched her, spending her days alone in her room where her brother had locked her up. He had found a suitable husband for her and would keep her locked up until she got married. For some reason, the idea of her getting married and belonging to someone else made him uneasy. He didn't even know the woman so why did he care? He had more important things to do right now, like finding Irene's mother.

Irene had collapsed since the day she found out about her son's death and she didn't wake up since then. Lucifer tried everything but nothing seemed to work and now her mother was her only hope. But the witch was impossible to find and Roshan didn't look forward to meeting her.

Droshts were no joke when it came to power. They could draw energy from nature, such as the sun and the moon, and even other witches and that makes their power limitless. On top of that, they despised demons, so he was basically going on a suicide mission. But Irene had saved his life once so he owed that to her.

"Where are you going?"

As usual, his friend looked very neat as he walked into the room. He wore a white shirt and black trousers, and his blonde hair was still wet from the shower but combed back elegantly. His angelic looks could make any woman lose her breath.

Roshan remembered the old days when he and his friend used to party a lot, get into fights and trouble, get themselves surrounded by beautiful women and spend each day in a different place. Those were the days Enoch used to enjoy life, smile and laugh, but since the tragic event in his life Roshan hadn't seen his friend smile even once.

"I am going on a witch hunt." Roshan replied.

"I thought you were going to save the ice princess." Enoch said as he settled down on the couch.

"And why would you think that?"

"Because you like her."

"I don't." Roshan denied.

Enoch narrowed his gaze. "You are a fool. You have a chance to be with the woman you like...., some of us never got a chance."

A sad expression settled over his face and Roshan knew that his friend was recalling painful memories.

Roshan left Enoch alone in the room. He knew there was nothing he could do to lighten his friends mood anyway. Walking down the way the hall he turned into mist and teleported himself to the underworld where a lower rank of demons liked to dwell.

"My Lord!" Uzil was already waiting upon his arrival.

"Any information?"

"No, but... Lucifer was here. I think he wants to find the witch himself." Uzil whispered.

No wonder it was very quiet today. Lucifer must have terrified them with his presence.

"Do you want me to continue looking?"

"Never mind." Roshan said. If Lucifer couldn't find her then nobody could, and if he found her it would be one hell of a battle. Lucifer would be at a disadvantage though, since she is the mother of his mate.

Roshan dismissed Uzil and continued to search on his own. By now he knew he wouldn't be able to find the witch, but he just wanted to keep himself occupied so that he wouldn't think about Klara. Not that it worked. The more he fought the urge to think about her the more he thought about her and the more frustrated he became. Before he knew he found himself in her room watching her from a corner. As usual, she was reading a book while laying on her stomach with elbows resting on a pillow and her feet swinging in the air.

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