Chapter 77: Vol2 Chapter 17

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Lucian looked at the woman in his arms. She looked almost dead. What if she had died? He couldn't understand why he was being so cruel to her.

Quickly he wrapped her in the blankets he brought and then lifting her head slightly he tried to make her drink some water. She couldn't drink much as she was half-conscious and seemed to slowly drift away.

He tried to wake her up. "Hazel, look at me." But her eyes slowly fluttered down and she lost consciousness completely.

With a sigh, Lucian placed her carefully on the bed then added a few more blankets. He put fire everywhere he could then tried to warm her up by rubbing her hands and feet. While rubbing her feet a memory flashed through his mind.

In his memory there was a woman, he was washing her feet while she watched him shyly. He tried to see her face but the memory disappeared as quickly as it came.

Lucian tried to remember some more but as usual, every time he tried to remember his head throbbed so painfully it felt like it was going to burst. Ignoring the memories he tried to focus on Hazel. She was in this state because of him so he was responsible for her. He kept rubbing her hands and feet until she woke up.

Slowly Hazel opened her eyes and the first thing she said was... "Lucian."

"I am here." He said instinctively and drew her into his arms. Right now he didn't care if he exposed himself and ruined his plan, all he wanted to do was protect this woman and make her feel safe. He didn't even care to ask himself why anymore. The sense of protectiveness he felt was too strong that nothing else seemed to matter.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I am fine now." She smiled a faint smile. "I knew you would come for me."

Since she already knew his name he wanted to ask how. "How do you know my name?"

She rubbed her eyes then stared at him with a questioning look.

"How I know your name? How could I not, Lucian? Are you asking because you really don't know?"

Lucian nodded. Hazel's expression turned serious and she used the little strength she had left to sit up. Lucian helped her while trying to hear her thoughts but he heard nothing. There was only silence. Why couldn't he hear her thoughts? Could it be that she wasn't a normal human because he could hear other people's thoughts clearly? Maybe he shouldn't trust her yet.

"Do you not know...who I am?" She asked carefully as if afraid to hear the answer.

"I don't."

"Do you really....not remember me?"

Lucian shook his head.

Hazel's shoulders fell in disappointment. "I thought you came for me. But you came for revenge right? That's why you look like this?"

Lucian sighed not wanting to tell her the truth.

"I don't understand. Then why did you kiss me?" She touched her lips probably recalling the memories. Lucian himself has not been able to forget the taste of her lips and he knew he could never forget.

"And save me?" She continued. If he hadn't saved her he wouldn't be in this situation but strangely he didn't regret saving her at all. He knew if he went back in time he would save her again.

"You still haven't answered how you know my name." Ignoring her questions.

"I know your name because you are my husband." She said calmly.

Lucian stood up hastily annoyed that she was still lying to him. "My wife is dead."

Now it was Hazel's time to stand up hastily. She looked as angry as he was."Who told you that? How could I be dead when I am standing right infront of you."

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