Chapter 98: Vol2 Chapter 38

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Klara could see a shadow in the darkness slowly stalking toward her bed, but she didn't feel the least bit scared. She already knew who the shadow belonged to since he came to visit her every night. No! Not only visit, but he also did other things as well.

Klara's heart raced as he slowly neared her bed and then carefully removed the blanket. She was only wearing her nightgown which had slipped up and was now revealing her legs and thighs. He leaned down and then slowly traced his fingers up her leg and down her thigh.

Closing her eyes Klara could feel his fingers slowly sliding under her dress and his face came close to hers. His hot breath tickled her lips and she wondered if he would kiss her.

"Open your eyes, Klara." His masculine voice was low and made her shiver in anticipation.

She wanted him to kiss her. Just a bit closer and their lips would touch.

"Klara! Wake up!"

Just a bit closer...


And closer....


A bit more...aaaand he kissed her!

Or maybe not. The kiss was too short, only a peck followed by a load feminine laugh that woke her up.

Klara shot her eyes open and looked around confused. What just happened?

"" Astrid could barely talk because she was laughing too much and rolling on her bed.

Klara sat up. "What's wrong with you?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"You..." Astrid stopped laughing and took a deep breath. "Ok sister. Now you need to tell me what or who you were dreaming of?."

Klara shrugged. "No one."

"Please. You were pouting your lips desperately that I just had to give you a kiss, otherwise you wouldn't wake up." She chuckled.

Klara's cheeks burned. She had been dreaming of Roshan. Again!

Since she came back she hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. The way he had kissed her on the rooftop kept repeating itself in her mind and the taste of him still lingered on her lips.

Not only did he wander in her mind all day but also in her dreams all night. What if he had done something to her? It had to be that way because thinking about him this much was abnormal and annoying. She wanted to move on with her life especially now when her brother had welcomed her back and wasn't forcing her to get married anymore.

Rasmus had been so angry when she came back and he scolded her like never before.

"Where have you been?" He had asked with clenched teeth.

Klara looked down terrified. Her brother could be really scary when he was angry.

"Answer me, Klara! Where have you been?"

Klara couldn't tell him where she had been. It was too complicated.

"Do you know how worried I was? Do you know all the things I imagined while you were gone? All the things that could have happened to you. I didn't even know if you were dead or alive. Do you know how that feels?"

"I am sorry." Klara apologized. "But I had no other choice. I don't want to marry him."

Rasmus hit the table with his fist. "And I wouldn't force you if you had chosen one yourself and if you hadn't betrayed me." He yelled. " I raised you, Klara. You and your sister were only eight when mother and father died. I took care of you both. I raised you, I fed you, I clothed you and I protected you and how do you repay me?"

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