Chapter 43

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Lucian watched Hazel in her sleep. He had been watching her for a while now, but he never seemed to get tired. How could he? She was the only thing he ever wanted and now she was his.

He looked out the window, it was almost midday but they were still in bed and Hazel was sleeping. He was relieved that she was safe even though his demon had taken over completely last night. It had scared him but Hazel hadn't been scared. She had still wanted him and for the first time, he hadn't despised his demon. He had accepted it instead and it brought a strange feeling of freedom. No more demon crawling under his skin anymore, rather, he and his demon had become one.

This made him remember the strange man's words. Don't fight your demon too much, accept it instead.

How did the man know that he would find peace if he accepted his demon? Whoever the man was, he wanted to meet him again.

He gazed at his wife again. His foolishly courageous wife. To seduce him even though he had warned her clearly, it amused him. He traced her cheek with his fingers. She was indeed stubborn, very stubborn he thought. Her eyelashes were still wet from crying and her lips swollen from all the kissing. He should have gone easy on her, but how? He had waited so long. So long to hold her, kiss her, and touch her and now he could do all of that, without the fear of hurting her.

Tugging her into his arms, he closed his eyes.

I woke up with a smile on my face. The words I love you echoing in my mind. There has never been a happier moment in my life then that when Lucian, my husband, told me he loved me. The sincerity in which he said the words made all of my doubts and fears disappear.

And then he had kissed me, like never before. His kisses expressing the unspoken words, making me forget everything else than the man holding me in his arms.

Lucian. He was indeed 'Man of light'. I just wished he could see that and stop believing he was a monster.

The memories I had seen had been so painful. I was able to feel the void in his heart and my heart ached for him. I couldn't imagine how it must have been for him to live like that, all alone, unloved, scared, and confused. How much pain he must have endured, so much that he was willing to take his life. My heart clenched in pain at the thought. He was just a child. How could his own family have treated him like that?

They were the monsters not him.

Looking at him I ran my fingers through his hair. "I'll make you forget." I whispered.

His lips curved into a smile.

"I thought you were asleep." I said.

He opened his eyes.

"I was. Your finger in my hair and your sweet voice woke me up." He trailed his fingers down my cheek.

"Now tell me. What will you make me forget?" He asked.

I shook my head afraid to tell him. Would I be able to make him forget all the bad memories?

"Nothing." I said.

He drew me closer and pressed his lips on my neck while running his finger down my spine. "Tell me."

"I just..." I began trying to keep my voice neutral as it became hard to breathe.

"You just what?" he said nibbing at the sensitive flesh under my ear. I bit my lip to stifle a m.o.a.n.

"I want... to make you forget all the bad memories." I breathed.

He drew back and looked at me, his eyes filled with love and tenderness.

"Hazel. You make me forget how to breathe, let alone bad memories."

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