Chapter 81: Vol2 Chapter 21

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"What nonsense are you saying?"

"I swear Your Highness. I saw him with my two own eyes." David shook as if remembering what he had seen.

Fear crept its way slowly into Pierre's heart. Lucian could not be alive. He had made sure that his brother was not breathing before letting the guards take him away.

"You said you burned him." Pierre accused.

"I...I did." David said his eyes widening in realization and fear at what he had done. "He will not spare my life." He said more to himself.

The horror on David's face was so real that it made Pierre wonder how his brother could have survived all that? Was he really the devil's son?

He chuckled darkly. That was ridiculous. David must have been feeling guilty that he started imagining things.

"Just leave." He said waving with his hand.

David stared at him for a short while then with a low voice, as if he was scared that someone would hear him he said "He is coming for you. He told me to tell you to be prepared."

A frown settled on Pierre's face and heart began to pump in fear. "Stop talking nonsense and Leave!" He yelled.

Lucian could not be alive and even if he was he couldn't have entered the castle without anyone noticing. Everyone here knew what he looked like.

Pierre took a deep breath to calm himself down. He had nothing to be scared of yet he put more guards outside his room before he went to sleep.

Lucian watched his brother turning back and forth in his bed while unable to sleep. This was only the beginning. Pierre would have many more sleepless nights.



I jumped at the sound of Irene's voice. Turning around I found her standing in the middle of the room with shoulders dropped. Her once gorgeous face looked unhealthy and her once vibrant eyes looked dead.


"I know you probably don't want to see me but I couldn't help myself from coming to see you." She rubbed her hands together nervously. "I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't because of the curse. Now I guess you already know."

She was speaking of being Lucian's mother.

"Yes I know."

As she looked more closely at me a frown settled on her face. "Oh..." She breathed. "Who did this to you?" She said crossing the distance between us and grabbing my shoulders to look more closely. Her sad face turned into one of anger, as if she wanted to punish whoever hurt me.

"Yes, I want to." She said and I could hear the anger in her voice. My once closest friend, my only friend turned out to be Lucian's mother. I still couldn't digest that fact.

Irene's expression turned into one of sadness again upon hearing my thoughts. "I am sorry." She apologized. "I know you are angry with me but I can't let you stay here. You have to come with me."

I shook my head. "I want to see Lucian. He needs me."

"It's dangerous to stay here and Lucian doesn't remember yo.." Before she could finish the sentence she stopped herself and looked at me apologetically

"So he is really not pretending?" I asked feeling my heart break into a thousand pieces.

"No... but don't worry. He will remember you."

I felt my eyes tear up. " And if he doesn't?"

"He will." She assured.

"Why doesn't he remember me?" I heard my voice crack. No, I was not going to cry again.

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