Chapter 56

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I was relieved to find that I was back home. Finally, I could meet Lucian. I walked through the large halls as fast as I could and slowed down when I neared our quarters. There soldiers were gathered everywhere. Some of them seemed stressed, others terrified. The atmosphere felt tense and everyone seemed busy. I got a bad feeling. What was going on?

From a distance, I could see two soldiers coming out of our chamber dragging on a body. A dead body. Right after them came two other soldiers and they were dragging on a dead body as well. My stomach twisted as I watched a pool of blood trailing behind them.

"My Lady?" I almost jumped out of my skin. Turning my head Lincoln I found a surprised Lincoln. "How did you get here?"

"Lincoln." I breathed relieved. "Lucian? Where is Lucian?"

He frowned. "I don't think it's a good Idea for you to meet His Highness right now."

"Why? What's happening?"

"His Highness is not in a good mood." He explained.

"I need to meet him anyways. Take me to him." I ordered.

Lincoln seemed to hesitate but then led me to our chamber. I tried to not step on the blood that covered half the floor. Two guards stood at each side of the door.

"I think I should go in first." Lincoln suggested.

"You don't have to. Just let me in."

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Lincoln asked. Now he was scaring me.


"If anything...if you need anything just shout for help."

I nodded wondering what he meant. He gestured for the guards to open the door and I walked inside.

Good lord, our chamber looked like a slaughterhouse. Not that I had seen one but I have heard of it. There was blood everywhere. The carpet, the sheets, the curtains even the table clothes were covered with blood. Two guards were rolling the carpet and carrying it out. This wasn't how I imagined our chamber to look like when I came back.

I walked further into the room avoiding to step on any blood again but Lucian was nowhere to be seen. My gaze fell on the glass door that led to our personal garden. I stepped out and into our garden. Oh, how I missed it. At least this place wasn't covered with blood.

As I looked further around, I found him. Lucian. He sat at the table, a dark empty look in his eyes as he looked at the garden. He was as beautiful as ever and my heart began to beat faster at the sight of him, but he seemed disturbed. He didn't even notice me as I neared.

"Lucian." I whispered. I didn't know why I was whispering.

He slowly averted his gaze and looked at me. The frown disappeared from his face and got replaced by a look of surprise.

"Hazel." He said standing up slowly as if scared I would disappear.

I smiled at him but I didn't move. He had that dark dangerous aura that I used to feel sometimes at the beginning of our marriage. He didn't move either, he just looked at me. It was very quiet, the only sound I could hear was the breeze and my own beating heart.

"I missed you." I finally said and that's when he crossed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back.

"I missed you so much." He said burying his face in my hair and inhaling. I inhaled his scent as well. He smelled as good as always.I almost forgot how good it felt to hug him. I tightened my hold around his waist, never wanting to let go. I felt him shiver slightly and he pulled away.

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