Chapter 65: Vol2 Chapter 5

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I lay curled on the cold ground, hungry and scared. Pierre had only told me about the rats in the dungeon, but here I was, surrounded by c.o.c.kroaches and spiders as well. I didn't know how many days I spent in this dark place where I could barely know if it was day or night. I so longed to get out of here, to see the light again and breath in the scent of fresh air. To be able to walk under the sun and feel the taste of delicious food, but all that would come with a price. Pierre would not let me out of this place until I agreed to become his and I felt like I was getting sick staying here. Not only physically but mentally as well.

Could I atleast get a blanket for now? I was so cold my teeth were chattering.

The sound of footsteps nearing filled the quiet room and soon the door to the cellar opened. Two guards entered and without a word grabbed my arms and began to drag me out of there.

"Wait! Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Be quiet!" One of them ordered.

Should I be relieved that I was leaving this place or afraid that they would take me somewhere else worse, I didn't know.

One of the guards yanked my arm then pushed me forward. "Faster!" He ordered.

As we left the dungeon my eyes got suddenly hit by the sunlight and I quickly shut them tightly. I hadn't seen light for days so my eyes needed time to adjust. I tried to blink a few times and look again but I couldn't. It was painful so I just peeked now and then to see where I was going until the sun was out of sight and we were inside the castle.

As they led the way I realized they were taking me to Pierre. Oh no! What did he plan this time? He must be angry that I hadn't given up yet.

The guards opened the door to his room then pushed me inside. I stumbled then fell flat on my stomach before I heard the door closed behind me.

"Tsk, tsk. You look awful."

It has been a long time since I heard this annoying voice and I didn't miss it the least. I pushed myself up from the floor and adjusted my dirty dress before looking Pierre in the eyes. He was sitting in a chair with legs crossed.

"What do you want?"

He stood up from his seat then walked up to me.

"I have been thinking..." He began thoughtfully, " If I want you to like me, I have to treat you well, right?"

Was he delusional?

I scoffed. "I will never like you. You killed my husband."

"Because he would kill me otherwise. It's nothing personal. That's just how war is and everyone does what they have to do to protect themselves. You should also do what's best to protect yourself and it's not being on my bad side."

"You speak of liking while threatening me." He was unbelievable.

"Look, princess..."

"Hazel," I cut him off, "you made sure I wasn't a princess anymore."

He walked even closer then grabbed my chin before looking into my eyes. "You can be more than a princess if you stand by my side. By a very powerful king's side. Think about it." He said in a low voice.

"There is nothing to think about."

Ignoring my remark "I'll give you some time to think." He said before leaving without further discussion.

I let out a sigh before I carefully sat down to stop my shaking legs. I wasn't tough. All this was an act and I really didn't know where I got this much courage from. I was raised to be quiet, shy, and afraid. I was raised to be obedient, to know my place which was always beneath everyone else's in my family. My worth was nothing until Lucian came into my life. He was the first one to actually treat me like a person and not as property. He made me feel alive, important, and cared for. He made me feel loved, but where was he right now?

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