Chapter 91: Vol2 Chapter 31

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I closed my eyes and slowly vivid images appeared.

I saw the back of a girl running. She had long black hair that swayed side to side as she ran greeting and waving to people she passed by. She seemed to know them very well.

"Good morning uncle Ben." She waved to an old man who was just about to open his store.

"Good morning Nyx." He waved back and the girl continued running.

She stopped when she saw a woman trying to pluck some apples from a tree but had a hard time reaching.

"Good morning, Mrs. Pearl."

"Oh, good morning Nyx. Good, you are here. I would need your help to..."

Before she finished her sentence Nyx had already climbed the tree and was now throwing apples down into Mrs. Pearls basked.

"It's enough. Thank you dear." Mrs. Pearl smiled.

Nyx climbed down. "Of course. Anything to have a taste of your apple pie." She winked.

Mrs. Pearl laughed. "How did you know I would make an apple pie?"

"What would you need so many apples for otherwise?"

"Clever girl." Mrs. Pearls said clapping Nyx on the shoulder. "Come by later and take some pie home with you."

"I will. I'll see you later Mrs. Pearl."

Nyx continued running and helping a few more people on her way. People in her village seemed to like her a lot. She was vibrant and beautiful, charming everyone around her with her personality.

"Nyx! Come here!" A woman called standing at the doorstep to a little house with arms crossed and a displeased look on her face.

The smile that had been on Nyx's face the whole time disappeared as she walked up to the woman. "Mother."

"How many times have I told you to not run around like a child. You are going to be a leader and a queen so act like one."

"But mother, I told you I don't want to be a leader or a queen. I want to marry someone I love."

Her mother turned her heels and walked inside. "Selfish as always. Haven't I told you that the coven comes first and your desires after? The demons are increasing their power and we have to do the same."

Nyx followed her mother inside. "By making me a queen? How is that going to help? It's not like queens rule."

Her mother stopped and turned back around. "I am not talking about you. I am talking about your son. I saw him in my dream, I saw him become a great ruler. You know what my dreams mean right?" Her mother asked.

"Yes. They become true." Nyx's shoulders fell in disappointment.

"You know that I didn't go to the king myself and asked him to marry you. He came here on his own after having seen you somewhere. He was bewitched by your beauty and he isn't bad looking himself." Her mother tried to cheer her up.

Nyx had seen him. He did look good and he had seemed like a gentleman but Nyx was used to living freely, and getting married to the King would force her to sit locked in a big castle with people serving her and following her everywhere. It wasn't the King she was opposing, she didn't know him after all, it was the lifestyle of a queen she didn't want.

"Sometimes we have to sacrifice a few things for a bigger purpose." Her mother explained. "Now, your wedding is soon so behave yourself." She returned to her stern self.

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