Chapter 47

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They threw us into a cellar with our hands tied behind our back.

"Don't touch the Lady. The crown prince wants her untouched." Their commander told the men. His gaze shifted to Callum.

"You can do whatever you want with him." He said and left.

The two men that were left with us walked toward Callum with a smug look on their faces.

"Leave him alone if you care to live." I told them.

Turning their head they looked at me.

"You can't kill me because the crown prince wants me alive. Before you take me to him Lucian will already be here and if he finds that one of his men is dead or hurt he won't be happy." I said with conviction in my voice. "I don't think you have seen him unhappy, have you?"

They looked at each other, one of them clearly more scared than the other.

"Trust me you don't want to see him like that?" I added.

"That's only rumors. Don't try and scare us, Lady." One of them said.

"Rumors?" I laughed. " There is no smoke without fire and should be scared. No one wants to be burned alive."

Now they were clearly scared. It was visible in their eyes.

"By tonight Lucian will already be here. Think about it. If you want to live you will let us go and I will spare your lives, and maybe even tell my husband to make you join his army. And if you want to die, well then ask God for forgiveness because if you go to hell..." I shook my head "Lucian will enjoy torturing you for eternity."

Their gazes shifted between me and Callum in confusion then they decided to leave us alone.

"My Lady, You are very clever," Callum said once they left.

"Not clever enough though. They didn't let us go."

"They will." He said.

"How do you know?"

"They were very afraid and as time goes by their fear will grow."

"I hope so." I sighed.

After sitting in the cellar for so long I got cramp in my legs and my stomach growled. Callum looked at me wearing an apologetic look on his face.

"I am alright." I assured him.

Soon after, we heard the fumbling of keys and the door to the cellar opened. The two scared soldiers entered still looking afraid.

Without a word, they began to untie our hands.

"Let's go." One of them whispered. "The men are drinking outside. Most of them are intoxicated so we can leave if we are very quiet." He explained.

He was right. As we made our way out we could hear their loud voices and laughter as they sat around a fire. Without them noticing we snuck into the woods and began to run as fast as we could.

We kept running until I couldn't anymore.

"My Lady, are you alright?" Callum asked when I stopped.

"Yes, I just need to breathe a moment," I said breathless, but the truth was my legs were hurting so much after sitting for a long time and I didn't have energy since I hadn't eaten the whole day.

"We have to continue." One of the men said. "They have horses they can easily come after us."

As soon as he finished the sentence Callum slit both their throats letting their bodies fall to the ground.

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