Chapter 33

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Yawning I rubbed my eyes as I woke up. Strangely I slept well after such a long time. Could it be because Lucian was sleeping next to me? I looked over at Lucian and found myself admiring his beauty and wondering how someone can look as sinfully beautiful as he did. As usual I could only admire his beauty while his hypnotizing eyes were closed and again my fingers itched to touch him. No, I wouldn't make the mistake of touching him again while he was asleep. I had embarrassed myself enough last time. '

Only his hair. I would only touch his hair I convinced myself and slowly brought my fingers to touch his hair when he frowned. Was he waking up? His frowned got deeper and he mumbled something looking disturbed. Was he having a nightmare?

"Lucian?" I said carefully and tapped his shoulder but he didn't wake up.

"Who are you?" he hissed in his sleep.

"Lucian! Lucian! Wake up!" I said shaking him slightly.

His eyes shot open and he looked around confused.


"How?" he asked panting.

"How what?"

"How did I get here?" he asked sitting up.

"You never left. You were just having a nightmare"" I said softly. He shook his head as if he didn't believe me and then looked around confused again. He really needed to wake up.

I grabbed his face gentlyand made him look at me.

"Lucian... it was only a nightmare." I assured him. He considered what I said for a while then nodded like a lost child. I let go of his face and he lay back on bed with a sigh.

"Do you want to tell me about your dream?"

"No." he said.

I just nodded.

"Don't you have anywhere to go today?" I asked. He looked at me for a while.

"You want me to go?"

"No, it's just that you usually leave early." I said "and in a hurry."

Yes, he needed to leave and find Klara. Today he had to speak to her and solve the issue.

He wouldn't hurt Hazel, he didn't want to. He felt as if they bonded lately and he didn't want to break that bond.

"I'll Leave." he said standing up.

Hazel looked as if she was going to protest but didn't say anything.

Leaving the room he took a bath, quickly got dressed and was ready to leave when a few maids came in with breakfast.

"Won't you have breakfast?" asked Hazel as he was about to leave.

"No." He said and headed for the door when Hazel grabbed his wrist.

"Will you come early then tonight? I want to have dinner with you." All he heard was tonight, want and have. God, he was losing it.

He took a deep breath "Yes, I will." He said and tried to get away fast but she still held his wrist.

"What happened to your wrist?" she asked looking at it. He brought his arm up to take a look. There were red marks on both his wrist as if he had been tied.


He instantly stiffened. It wasn't a dream, he knew it. He had been in that dark room with that strange man.

"Hazel? Are you sure I was here the whole night?" he asked.

"I think so, I never heard you go out. Why?" she asked worried.

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