>>>< 2 ><<<

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>>>< Awakening ><<<

We all hovered at the back of the bus, many of them were shaking from nerves, but I was shaking from exhilaration.

Ashlyn was looking for a way out of this mess, and the back door to the bus wasn't going to work. It was blocked by another bus.

Logan was crying, saying, "What do we do?"

Aiden gave me the -I'm gonna say something stupid- look before answering. "Die?"

We all stood there, huddled as the phantom charged at us. For the first time, I felt a spike of fear as death came flying towards us.

Suddenly, Logan's watch beeped and I woke up in the quiet apartment I had been for the past few years. My father was probably out working late again, as usual, and the place was silent.

I heard my phone buzz, and checked into the group chat.



How Are We Still Alive is active

Everyone okay?


Lol that was close

That was cool

Physically yes

Mentally no.

Did anyone finish the homework?

Screw it.





It was 12:02 and homework was not a priority at that point, sleep was.

I lied back down to try and revive myself, my energy zapped.


It quickly became time to go to school, and I grumbled to myself as I got ready. I was tired, but when I am exhausted, my body just makes me more hyperactive, which is a win/win I guess. 

I chugged a few energy drinks and walked over to Ashlyn's house a block away to get on the bus.

Ashlyn said a quick hello as we walked onto the bus. Ben was out of it, but we were still given a warm welcome from Aiden.

"Hey Ash. Hey N/n. Last night was rough, huh?" Ashlyn just sat there. "Yeah, but it was fun, in a weird and potentially twisted way." I answered, and Aiden chuckled to himself a bit. He shuffled through his bag a bit, pulling out the homework.

"I finished the homework. Wanna copy?" We quickly started to copy, and Aiden gave a content smile.

We walked into class, the teacher greeting us with a "Good Morning...?"

I know we each had a good set of eyebags under our eyes. Me and Aiden stood side by side. The teacher locked eyes with me for a moment, and gave me a look as if to ask if me and Aiden were crazy. Of course, we had on identical creepy smiles. 

I did it just for the attention.

Ben and Ashlyn both looked about ready to drop dead. Aiden yawned next to me, and contagiously, so did I. I gave him a joking glare and chuckled a bit as everyone went to their seats and pulled out the homework.

About halfway through class, I started to drift off into sleep.


I awoke abruptly to the bell, and saw many of the others did too. Aiden was just sitting there with his puzzle cube.

We all headed to our lunch table to talk about 'stuff', or what Aiden liked to use to refer to the phantoms and nightly visits.

I chuckled quietly to myself for no good reason.

Damn, the sleep deprivation was getting to me.

word count: 504

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat