>>>< 32 ><<<

4.1K 135 172

A/N I'm so sorry this took so long. I've been busy and my life isn't the best because of my best friend crippling depression. Anyways, in the last chapter I had a vote for 10K special. I had one vote for a smut, two for first kiss, and 3 for both, so there we go. I don't have any ideas for the smut so y'all please comment here (--------->) to give me ideas cause I'm drained. Enjoy this. I don't know when the next update will be, I have so many accounts it isn't funny.

>>>< With Missions Comes Danger (And Surprises!) ><<<

Everyone was getting prepped, and I was becoming slightly nervous. I swung the pole in my hand around anxiously, foot tapping the ground.

I was distracted from my thoughts by a voice I had grown to know far too well. The blonde was talking to Ash, and she looked half ready to kill him. He was looking at her shoes, which I will admit, had taken my interest the first time I saw them.

"Oh! It's the killies!"
"No, don't call them that."
"Why? They're like wheelies but y'know, with knives. Your dad's pretty awesome to make something like that. They didn't even break when you used them during practice!" I decided to add my two cents to this conversation.
"Her mum made them, actually."

He looked at me with his usual smile, not the one he had on constantly, but the one aimed only for me. I smiled back, and gave Ashlyn my attention as she started to speak in a leaderesque way.

"Hey um, before we go- I just wanted to... apologize... for earlier. When I snapped at you guys."

Taylor, the peacemaker, de-escalated the situation in her usual manner.
"It's okay now, don't worry. We all have our moments right?" And Aiden, being the instigator we all know him as, started to pick a fight. (Again.)
"Yeah, Tyler has his everyday!"
"Excuse me?"
"G-guys we just stopped fighting. Don't start again please..."

Ashlyn began a pep-talk, which I was very tempted to zone out of. However, I did not, and instead put my full, tired attention on my friend.
"Alright, then let's do this."

Oh. End of pep-talk then, I see.

Usually you would expect a lot more from someone, but with Ash being, well, Ashlyn, I guess that was as good as it was going to get.

After Ashlyn's attempt at a pep-talk, I stepped out into the cold air, a bit away from the others. The cold air had always made it easier for me to relax. Footsteps approached me softly, and I felt a hand on my own. With a small tug, I was turned around, now face to face with Aiden.

He pulled me close before bringing his lips to my ear. I could feel him breathing, and I shivered softly as his soft lips brushed my ear. "Be careful out there. I know you can hold your own, you're powerful, but if you need anything, just call and I'll be right there. I promise." He childishly hooked his pinky with mine, before gently pressing his lips to mine. It was only for a second, before he smirked and walked back to the others.

My face exploded in crimson, my chest feeling like it was about to explode with how fast my heart was beating. The ground had suddenly become much more interesting, and so had my boots. When had that stain gotten there?


We were all atop the building. Seven kids who should never had to deal with this mess, and yet here we were.

Aiden stood up to stretch beside me, and Ashlyn scolded for him to get down. His presence constantly reminded me of what had happened earlier, but I needed to push that to the back of my mind right now. Something big was going down, and my full concentration was required. Everything was set, all final preparations made. We were really going to do this now.

Ash looked towards Logan, a small glint of worry visible in her eyes, if like me, you knew her well enough.
"You sure your injury is okay Logan?"

He lifted up his shirt to show the scars, and I caught the slightest hint of a blush on her face at the extra shown. Ha. Suffer.
"Yeah, it's pretty much gone now. It's weird."

She quickly switched back to leader mode from caring mode.
"Okay, get in your position then."

Aiden excitedly asked, "Now?" Ashlyn looked across the wall at what awaited them, determination crowding her gaze.

When Aiden pushed the button, time felt like it slowed down. The pit of my stomach churned, and it was like a bomb had dropped. This mission could mean the life or death of us, and it made being calm much more difficult.

The speakers a bit away started to play. "PARTY WALKERS IN THE YARD TONIGHT. EVERYONE JUST HAVE A GOOD FUN TIME." All the phantoms bolted towards the screaming sounds of the music.

Tyler turned to Aiden with a scowl. "Are you serious? Party walkers??"
"It's a good song!" And with that, Aiden jumped the wall, completely ignoring his rope and landed at the bottom. Ashlyn yelled down at him.
"The rope Aiden!! The rope!!"
"It's okay, I'm durable!"

The rest of us slid down the rope sensibly. I definitely wasn't mentally stable, but I wasn't THAT crazy.

Taylor was freaking out quietly to herself.
"We're doing this. Aaah we're really doing this. Alright, it's okay. We can do it. Go team." I looked over at her.
"That was more of a pep-talk then Ashlyn did, go Taylor." She chuckled softly.

The second my feet hit the ground, I bolted. I heard Ashlyn shout a "Run!" behind me as we all worked to get there before the phantoms. Before danger hit. Before it was upon us. While we still had the chance.

Amongst all those other thoughts crowding my head, one still stood out the most to me.

Aiden had kissed me.

word count: 963

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