>>>< 5 ><<<

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>>>< High School is Nuts ><<<

Me and Ashlyn were heading towards class silently, side by side when we heard a shout. "Incoming!" A shoe went flying past my face and embedded itself into a nearby wall. "Ah, sorry! We were just goofing off haha."

There was a few jocks, one of which was yelling, and a girl recording the event.

A fight broke out and me and Ashlyn were quickly annoyed, as there was no other way across the hall.

When we finally arrived at room 201, there was a nervous boy there as well, who dropped his paper. He had dirty blonde hair and glasses. Ashlyn picked it up for him and gave it to him, his cheeks were dusted pink. I mean, a pretty girl picked up his paper for him, what do you expect?

"Oh um, thank you."

We walked in and I quickly noticed that the seats had names. I walked around, looking for my seat, and sat down. I was directly behind Ashlyn, who seemed startled and unnerved.

The teacher was late, and there were many students still out. I laid my head in my hands, bored.

After a few moments, yelling could be heard outside the door. I turned my attention to the commotion, hoping for something interesting.

"We wouldn't be late if you had helped instead of recording! Sorry we're late!"
"Please don't mark us tardy!"
"They aren't here yet."
"We still have a chance!"

The duo loudly made their presence known, darker skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. Twins.

The teacher made his presence known behind them. 

"A chance? Are two of my students already late on the first day of school?" He stood there very foreboding, and the twins immediately started sweating nervously. "Just kidding! A class rule is if we're both late and you get here before me, you're safe- where's your shoe? You should find that after class."
"Yes sir."

The boy was missing his shoe, probably the same one still stuck in the wall. At least we seemed to have a pretty lax teacher.

"Go ahead and find which desk has your name on it and take a seat." Behind the teacher walked in two more students, which I quickly recognized as Ben and Aiden. I smiled, sitting up more. The only two empty seats were next to me and Ashlyn. Aiden locked eyes with me and smiled back.

The teacher continued to speak. "Sorry I'm late everyone, these two are new to the school, so make sure to give them a warm welcome. You guys can take a seat as well. Let's begin with introductions, shall we? We'll go in alphabetical order."

I groaned softly. This class had already started bad. 

But hey, at least I had two people I considered friends next to me.

word count: 447

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