>>>< 20 ><<<

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>>>< My Middle Name is Danger ><<<

We were going to be stuck in this world for the next seven hours, and we were to return to where we had left off. About to die.

As we transitioned into the world, Ashlyn hushed us and we all crouched down.

"Still here?"
"What do we do?"

"...We'll have to try and kill it."
"How are we going to do that?"
"We could have Logan try and shoot it through the window?" I nodded in agreement with Aiden before Ashlyn brushed off the idea.

"No, the gun is for emergencies only."
"But this is an emergency!"
"An emergency is a swarm or one of us is about to die. We don't have many bullets, so we need to try and kill it with our weapons first and have Logan as backup."

She then hushed us all again, and I hadn't even gotten a chance to speak, which was unfair. "Hide under the seats."

We all did so, and I locked eyes with Aiden as the phantom made it's way on the bus. We'd grown closer over the past few weeks, a lot more physical contact and sticking together.

Suddenly Ashlyn made a loud noise, and everyone snapped their heads in her direction as the phantom looked at her .

She had been found.

In a sick and twisted way, we were playing hide and seek. The seeker the phantom, the hiders, us. Except in this version, when the seeker found you, then danger was clear, and the stakes were raised. One wrong move could get us all killed.

Just like in chess, you have to be careful, or you could find yourself fumbling to stay on your feet.

word count: 266

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now