>>>< 14 ><<<

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>>>< Creatures ><<<

"I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there."
"Weak strings in a shabby pole?! Yeah like that's gonna keep it closed!"
"Maybe not, but it'll stay closed long enough for us to make a run for it! You guys go!"

Some of the creatures had climbed up the side. "I said go!!"

Logan, Tyler, and Taylor bolted towards the room.

Ben was stuck at the door, Ashlyn had the plan, Aiden was just standing there. I guess so was I.

"Ben, tie this to the handle." Aiden spoke quietly to Ashlyn and then they were all tying strings. I looked around, grabbing a nearby pole. Who knows why it was there, but we really had nothing to work with. It was metal, sturdy.

I've always been one for metal objects I could hit someone hard with. Sharp was optional, but I couldn't care less if it was. This one wasn't.

I heard something creeping up the balcony behind me and turned around, hitting it's head and knocking it to the ground. By then they were done tying the rope. "Run!"

I followed them as we ran, watching behind us as a defense. The rope snapped, and I noticed a ton of them at the end of the hall.

One of them was unreasonably fast. I didn't have good stamina, my legs would start to give out after a bit of running, but I was fast for the short amount of time I could keep it up. I noticed Ashlyn eyeing the cleaning cart in front of up, pulling ahead as well.

 She probably had a plan, she was always good under pressure, thinking quickly. I made sure to avoid her wrath as she yelled. "Move!" And slammed the creature.

It quickly reached for her, but I smacked it's head in pinned it against the wall more with the pole. It scraped my shoulder a bit with it's claw, and I winced slightly.

Aiden quickly jumped behind me, pushing the cart against the wall more, crushing it, and grabbing a bottle of chemicals and holding it up to the creature's head. "Y'know, this could be fun." I agreed quietly, smirking and taking back my pole, as it was no longer needed.

I covered my shoulder up with my shirt, as it wasn't a priority. 

Chemicals could do something nasty when in direct contact with anything living. 

I looked Aiden over. He looked psychotic, and it was attractive. Not that I would ever admit that to anybody else, or myself for that matter. But it was hot. He was hot.

Okay, so just maybe Ashlyn was right.
So maybe I felt some small attraction to this man.

But that couldn't get in the way of anything else.

word count: 444

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now