>>>< 19 ><<<

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>>>< After School Activities ><<<

We all start playing cards, and eventually Ashlyn makes her way down to have her hair fixed.

After a bit, we left for the studio, I tagged along because I felt like it.

"Alright, we're here." Her mom announced, and Aiden answered, of course.
"So this is the place? Cool."

Ashlyn got out of the car. "Satisfied?" I locked eyes with Aiden.

Don't say anything stupid, don't say anything stupid, don't say anything stupid.

"Yep!" Oh thank g- "Actually can I come in-" Damn you Aiden.

"No." And with that Ashlyn went inside, slamming the car door in his face.


I ended up heading over to the boys' place, as Ashlyn's parents seemed a bit annoyed with them. When we were out of view, I punched Aiden in the arm. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to scold him for what he'd done in front of the adults.

He laughed, and pulled me into a death-grip side-hug playfully. He did something similar to the Dutch Rub before I was let free.

I playfully glared at him. Ben smiled a bit at our antics. We continued this for most of the travel to their house. 

I sent a greeting to the adults, and we all headed to what had become the meeting room for the three of us.

I planned on spending the night, no one ever cared when I did, they actually seemed happy that I would. 

I leaned against the wall, and Aiden sat next to me, doing the same. Ben sat a few feet away, drawing in his notebook.

"Hey Aiden, truth or dare?"
"Dare, of course." He had a crazy smile on his face. I wanted something that might be able to spark fear or nerves in him, something that would catch him off guard.
"I dare you to let me go through your phone and do whatever I please."

His face paled a bit as he handed it over, obviously wishing he hadn't chosen dare.

I put in the pin to his phone and was met with his wallpaper, a picture of him, Ben and I. I immediately went to his phone gallery, met with tons of albums, each one filled with photos of a specific person.

"Stalkerish much?" He laughed as I continued.

There was an album with random pictures of me, Ben, Ashlyn, and many other people. Mildly concerning, but okay. I looked through it some more, and it took a while, but I found that he had an album hidden. 

When I found it, he panicked, and it was hilarious to watch. His face was bright red, and he stumbled over his words. "I-uh maybe um don't?!" I opened the album, but didn't look through it yet, watching his face as he looked at what the top photos were. He gave me a small glare, and I quickly glanced down.

It was mostly pictures of him shirtless, but nothing worse than that. I quickly backed out and felt my face turn red.

"I warned y-"
"You warned me."

Then I went back to his apps, noticing he had google installed. I clicked on, and went through his search history.

It was a scarring sight.

I will never be able to look at my best friend ever again.

Seriously though.

Who in their right mind looks up things like, 'Why don't we have two right feet?' or, 'How to know if you have a crush.' or 'What do humans taste like?' or even, 'Can I eat hair dye'.

Aiden, you are a strange one.

Once I felt he had suffered enough, I gave him back his phone.

"Y/n, truth or dare?"
"Truth, I don't want to take the chance you did."
"Hmm... Are you usually more open or guarded with your thoughts?"
"Guarded, unless with people I trust. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare again."
"Risky, nice. Go put on some makeup."
"I don't have any."
"There's a reason I brought some with me."

I smirked, pulling out a bag of makeup from the store.

He instantly sighed, smiling a little.
"Wow Y/n, so original. While I put this on, truth or dare?"
"Dare I guess."
"I dare you to go get some eggs and crack them on your head."

The game went on for a bit, until we got bored trying to ruin each other's lives and we all started to play some bored games. We stayed up late, and about 11:00, Aiden got some soda. 

Definitely a way to not fall asleep.

We sat there in silence as the time ticked on.

As the clock struck 12:00, I remembered exactly where we had left off in the other world.

Feet away from a phantom rushing towards us.

word count: 741

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