>>>< 18 ><<<

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(A/n so this episode, 18, started off back in real time. I am going to add a little bit of Aiden and Y/n alone time in this chapter first, but this stuff didn't happen in the original comic. It's just the next few days, with some info of what happens during that time from later chapters.)

>>>< Repetition ><<<

The class had left Savannah and we got back midday on Saturday. The group sat together and discussed everything that had happened last night.

Aiden invited me to their place after we got off. Of course, I agreed, and joined him and Ben.

Ben was quiet, as usual, and Aiden and I were talking casually until he brought up last night again.

"So Y/n, are you feeling better after your injury from last night?" Ben looked at me as Aiden spoke, surprised. He glared daggers at me, probably for not getting it addressed. 

"It's fi-"
"I don't want another lie, Y/n. Please tell me the truth." He was smiling softly, but his eyes held sadness.
"It's about the same. It still burns like hell but that's been no different, and it isn't visible here." I mumbled. Ben pulled out his phone and pulled up a note app. 'Where?'

I ran my hand across the length of the burning sensation, from just below my neck all the way across my collar bone. Ben wrote some more, then erased some, then wrote more.

'You ARE letting me treat that tonight, if we go back.' I just reluctantly nodded, feeling intimidated by his glare. Aiden seemed happy Ben had been able to scare me into accepting the help. When we made it to their house, I greeted Aiden's parents and Ben went to his room to work on a project for school.

I followed Aiden to his room, where I'd only been one time before, and once again was met with surprise. I shook it off and sat on the floor, and he sat across from me.

We sat there in comfortable silence before I spoke up.

"Hey Aiden. Do you think we're going to be pulled into the other dimension thing again, or do you think it was a one time thing?" He leaned back and looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "I'm not quite sure."

We sat there in silence for a another few minutes. "Hey Y/n, have you ever been to a skatepark?" I shook my head no. I knew how to skateboard. No tricks, but I could get around town with it. "Wanna head over there? I could teach you some tricks." He smiled.

"I don't have my skateboard with me." He chuckled. "I have multiple. C'mon." I smiled, following him.


We had arrived at the skatepark, and it was surprisingly empty. He started showing off a bit, and I laughed as he nearly fell. He slid back over beside me, offering a hand out. I took it, and he dragged me over to a flat area of ground to teach me the basic tricks.


We had fun at the skatepark, and I had learned how to do a few new things. Aiden was really happy, and as we skated back to his house he stopped us both to watch the sun set. It was really pretty, and after that we went inside.

We put the skateboards back and met back up with Ben in the living area. I gave a small nod as a greeting, and he smiled in return. Aiden spoke to his parents quickly, then came over to me.

"Hey Y/n, you should stay the night, we have an extra room!" Aiden smiled.

Him and Ben already knew my living condition. My mother was out of the picture, and my father might as well be. He also worked a long night shift, so we never really saw each other, and took care of ourselves. I would often spend the night at Ashlyn's because the silent house of my apartment made me paranoid. I didn't have the safest neighbors. It had been like this for years.

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