>>>< 55 ><<<

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>>>< Bittersweet Moments ><<<

There was a loud clash, and everyone in the waiting room turned to see Tyler running towards us. Taylor managed to throw all three of us off without much effort, and threw herself at him, knocking both of them down in the process. There were both sobbing messes of jumbled comforting words, I couldn't help myself but to tear up a little.

Tyler was alive. Apart from some blood dripping down his arm, he seemed relatively okay. I hadn't failed entirely. The cocky brat of the group was alive, a relief to us all. As a single tear ran down my cheek, Aiden brushed it away with his thumb and a small smile.

Soon, Tyler's mother joined in on the ground huddle, worried about his bleeding arm. Our group took that as a cue that we could join now, and I quickly found a place beside his shoulder, one hand on his back.

"I'm sorry I couldn't catch you in time, I really tried, but I know you're more okay with that knowing I didn't let Taylor throw herself in danger after you, when it was already too late. I did what I could, I'm sorry I couldn't do more." He shot me a small smile and rolled his eyes.

Logan was sobbing at his other shoulder, Ben was holding up his phone, where he'd written a question, and Aiden was crouched where Tyler's mother had been just before. Aiden glanced at me, an understanding smile on his face, but that didn't do much to hide the small amount of jealousy in his eyes.

Mrs. Hernandez had left to go deal with some of the doctors who looked like they'd been caught in the middle of a boxing match, and I could hear the rest of the adults talking, probably about the cut into the phantom dimension. It wasn't long before doctors came to bring Tyler back, and Taylor and their mom left with him. 

Aiden mumbled a "Halfwit.." under his breath before his phone rang, holding it up to his ear and speaking, "Ash..? Yeah, everything's okay now, Tyler's in rough shape, but he's awake. How'd you know to call though?" They talked for a couple more minutes, and I stood up from my place on the floor with a stretch. 

Not long after Aiden hung up, we were told we could go join Tyler, and so that's exactly what the four of us did. I sat on the edge of the hospital bed, and Aiden hovered behind me. The others sat or stood along the side, engaging in small talk.

Every so often, Aiden would wrap his arms around my waist and hug me from the back, burying his face in my shoulder. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my heart jump each time. He always stopped pretty quick to avoid anyone noticing and pointing it out.

One of the times he did it, I made eye contact with Ben, who smirked knowingly, before minding his own business. Thing remained relatively normal until the door slammed open, revealing Ash standing in the doorway. A couple of us murmured greetings, but silently, she walked up to Tyler, who had been peacefully eating.

"...I'm sorry." There was a pause.
"Not your fault. ..So stop acting mopey, carrot top."

Ashlynn's eyes widened, and her look of concern quickly switched to annoyance.
"Your hair is orange, so I'm calling you carrot top from now on."
"No you aren't."
"Too late, I've already made up my mind."

The rest of us chuckled, and I chimed in, "C'mon Ash, he fell off a cliff, let him have this." Small talk resumed, and everything was calm.

Everything was looking up. Tyler was okay, the adults probably believed us, and we even had good supplies laid out for our next night. Maybe everything would be okay now.

...or not. :)

word count: 649

A/N guys i literally live for your comments. on a side note, 100k special coming next <3

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