>>>< 34 ><<<

3.6K 110 30

A/N: Oh would you look at that I actually updated. So uh. This book is almost at 20K reads and I haven't even done the 10K special (🍋) so uh have a normal chapter? (Update I made it uh a little spicy🍋) Uh yeah sorry again for the wait. I-I'm just gonna leave now. 

>>>< I'm Back and it Probably Won't Be For Good But Whatever ><<<

The music stopped in the distance as I started to help Aiden stand so I could look at his ankle. Ashlyn's headlight was thrown to the ground a few feet away as Aiden steadied himself against the house. 

Kneeling down, his ankle didn't look too good. Swollen and discolored. He definitely needed to rest it, not that we had the chance to, anyways. Just then, Aiden decided to speak up.

"Y'know, it's a nice view from up here." My head snapped up to glare at him, as I left my kneeling position to look him eye-to-eye.

"Now is not the time, playboy. You're injured and Ash is up there." He smirked, but before he could speak again, Tyler barged out, having heard a scream. I turned to him quickly, an idea forming.

"Tyler I need you to help me onto the roof."
"A phantom took Ash, now get over here!"

Despite our best efforts, getting on the roof didn't work. We could hear the struggle faintly, and I was able to see a little of it, but Tyler couldn't push me up and I couldn't get a grip.

Whilst all this was going on, I could practically feel Aiden's eyes on me, watching from the side as we struggled. I could hear the smirk in his voice when he said it wasn't gonna work. 

Him and his stupid self hurting his stupid ankle. Mr. Protective can't even protect himself. I have to do that for him as well. (smh)

A gunshot went off, and I caught just enough view to see the phantom was hit dead-on.

Good job Logan, at least someone can do something around here.

But, then the cons of the gunshot went off. Every phantom in a miles radius heading towards us, no longer occupied by music, and more than happy to give chase.

word count: 354

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