>>>< 22 ><<<

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>>>< Sacrifice is often Devastating ><<<

I watched as the others went to Logan, then pinned the legs of the creature down. "Y/n, stab it!"

I quickly moved into action, doing as directed and plunging the metal pole through it's chest. It quickly went limp, and everyone went to go check on Logan. "Hey dude, you alright? Can you move?"

Then I noticed Aiden pop up, covered in whatever the phantom was made out of, which was disgusting, but I had the urge to touch it.

I didn't though, sadly.
Instead, I paid attention to my best friend.

Soon enough, the crying Logan was shirtless and we got a look at the gaping hole in his side.

He started whining and Ashlyn went to comfort him. All the violence and blood was getting to my head, so I wandered off to the front of the bus, exiting it and making my way outside for a few moments.

I sat on the ground and leaned back, staring at the red sky.

After a few minutes, I was joined by Aiden, who had cleaned himself up a bit, leaving just a few smudges of black on his face.

He sat down on the ground next to me, and I couldn't help but chuckle. He looked at me, a small smile evident.

"What's so funny?" As I calmed down, I answered.
"You obviously can't clean yourself up well." He chuckled, turning to face me.
"Then why don't you help me out."

It wouldn't have been weird if he hadn't said it like that.

Now it was. Extremely.

I turned towards him, still chuckling, noting the light flush on my face as I brushed off his forehead, and then his cheek.

I made the first mistake by locking eyes with him. I wasn't able to tear my gaze away as his amber-brown eyed locked with mine. I froze there, unable to break away from the position. My breathing staggered as time seemed to slow, and I could swear I felt my heart pause.

I made the second mistake by not doing a thing as we seemed to slowly move closer, not in any way that I could control. I was locked on the electric gaze of the guy I had been questioning feelings for, for months. He was gorgeous, the way his face was framed by his blonde locks, his smile ever-present, and the way his eyes glistened in the light. My hand slipped from his face to his neck as I moved in closer.

The third mistake I made was hesitation, as we were interrupted by Taylor walking out, unaware of what she was interrupting, to tell us that Logan was fixed up and asleep, and they were figuring out what to do with the phantom. 

We awkwardly backed away from each other, following her back inside the old bus as if nothing had happened.

What was that back there?

I wasn't entirely sure before, but now it was certain. I had fallen for my best friend, and I had gone down bad. It was entirely unexpected, and the near-kiss had thrown me of the figurative cliff. I wanted it, I wanted him, so bad, but I was nervous. Neither of us were really the kinds of people to settle down, I'd never dated anyone, and he never spoke of exes. Our personalities fit together, but I wasn't sure if we fit in that kind of a way.

It was hard to accept

By the time I was inside, they had agreed to experiment on it, which I decided to watch from afar.

Aiden turned a light on to get a better look, and the body writhed under the brightness.
"Turn it off!" Aiden quickly did as Tyler instructed as the body began to melt.


word count: 604

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now