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>>>< Self-Defense ><<<

Everyone managed to get permission, even if it took a bit of convincing.

Currently, Tyler was kicked off his feet by Ashlyn's father. "Make sure to keep your legs in check. Y/n, you're next."

I smiled. It was a bit fun watching my friends get the snot beat out of them. They were all scraped up. So far, I was doing okay. I also am not new to fighting, always been a hobby of mine.

Tyler walked up, back to the seat, as I stretched before walking towards the elder Banner. I sized him up, taking careful notice of any movements.

After slight hesitation, I made the first move, swinging to try and grab his arm and knock him off balance. This was also a way to get him to attack and make himself vulnerable.

As he moved to grab my approaching arm, I slid out of reach, all without losing sight of him. I backed up a bit to create some distance between us. He then rushed at me head on, so I ran to meet him.

When we were close, I dropped backwards, sliding across the ground to avoid any contact, and to sneak behind him. I jumped on his back and grabbed at his throat.

Him being bigger than me, he easily grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground in front of him. I shook off the shock, rolling out of the way to reset my focus. He came at me, and it started as a fistfight.

Matching each other's blows, catching fists, blocking, and taking a few hits. I could practically hear the smile from the blond across the dirt training area as he watched the fights go down.

Mr. Banner kicked his foot out when I was least expecting it, causing me to stumble, and for him to get a grip on my arm. This brought me to my certain demise, as I was pushed into a position with my arms locked against my back.

I sighed in defeat, although definitely happy I didn't take as big of an L as my friends did.

I heard slight cheering from those who had watched, considering how long I had lasted as a win. Once he finally decided to let go, I walked back towards the benches, and Logan was called up.

He sighed before accepting his demise. I overheard Tyler and Ashlyn talking.
"You're dad's brutal."
"No one in the real world would take it easy on us, so he isn't going to either."
"Actually... I might be more scared of your mom."

A loud thud was heard as Ben was thrown to the ground by Ashlyn's mother. Aiden was clapping.

Just when Logan thought he was safe due to the distraction, he was locked in a chokehold by Mr. Banner. "Don't let your guard down."

Once we were all gathered in one area, Ashlyn's mother made a nice offer. "You kids want to come in and play some board games? I'll make sandwiches."
"We can't... we have to study for midterms."
"...Ah. Sorry to hear that. We'll just... uh- bring the sandwiches to you then."
"Study hard!"

I felt a bit bad for her parents. They weren't the most social type, but they tried. They really had no experience, they just wanted to make everybody happy, but they always got pushed away.

Once they were in the house, Aiden laughed. "Haha, that Midterms joke was great."
"It wasn't a joke you idiot- they're next week..."

Everyone drifted off into idle chit-chat, until Ashlyn stood up and walked a different way. "Huh- Ashlyn?"

She walked around a corner, looking at a bird strangely.
"What's up? Did ya hear somethin again?"
"...I thought I did- it's just a bird though."
"You got worked up over a crow?"
"It didn't sound like a crow, I thought it was a footstep."
"Maybe you just got it mixed up with your parents walking away?"
"Nevermind, let's just finish setting up the traps."

I had a strange feeling about that bird.


We were back in the shadow realm, our matching black suits cloaking us in the darkness. The lights had just been installed, and Aiden bought us matching suits for the aesthetic. 

The lights charge during the real world day, then have enough charge for us at night. This worked great and all, but it attracted the creatures, and illuminated just how many there really were.

Damn, we're screwed.

word count: 707

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