>>>< 6 ><<<

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(A/n so uh this is supposed to be in alphabetical order, but naturally, I can't tell when each individual reader would do theirs, so I wrote it with you after Ben. Sorry.)

>>>< Introductions Suck ><<<

"When it's your turn, state your first and last name and say something about yourself. As an example, I'll start us off. My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all!" Our teacher smiled.

Ashlyn stood up and spoke quickly, trying not to draw attention. "Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs."

Aiden went next. "I'm Aiden Clark, I like bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-" He would have gone on but the teacher shot him a look. All of those hobbies of him seemed interesting and cool.

I was Ben's turn next, but he was asleep.

I went, and the amount of eyes on me was quite disturbing. I don't have much interesting going on in my life, so why not make some people laugh. All he said was a fun fact about ourselves. "Y/n L/n, I am currently alive and breathing."

Aiden caught my eye as he tried not to laugh, causing an involuntary smile on my part.

Where did this sudden confidence come from? I didn't know I had that.

The nervous kid from earlier was next. "Hello, I-the-uh- Logan Fields. I mean, I'm Logan. I um, I enjoy astrology."

Then the girl who was recording in the hall. "I'm Taylor Hernández! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance."

Then the loud boy still missing a shoe. "I'm Tyler Hernández, yes we're twins. I'm in the baseball club."

I kinda zoned out as the rest of the class did introductions, until I heard the teacher start the projector and start talking.

"Alright, now that introductions are done, let's talk about the semester-long group project! Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the project, and each group should consist of six to seven people each. Oh, and no one will be allowed to work alone. The rest of class will be about the project, so go ahead and sit wherever you want with your group for today."

Everyone started moving around, and I locked eyes with Aiden and Ashlyn. Our group ended up consisting of everyone who had no one else. 

Me, Aiden, Ben, Ashlyn, Tyler, Taylor, and Logan all sat in a circle.

Ashlyn looked like she was dying inside. Aiden leaned over and whispered in my ear. "With that green hood she kinda looks like a turtle." I chuckled. "With your bag and clothing having smiling faces you kinda look like a maniac when you smile." He laughed and spoke back quietly. "That's how it's supposed to be."

The teacher started to drone on and on again.

"Our main focus this semester will be the history of Georgia's oldest city, Savannah. This is also what your project will be about and the topics you'll choose to present are stated in your rubric. Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project! Of course, it's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade. If you are interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know. For the rest of the period, please choose what topic your group would like to present on. You've got twenty-five minutes so spend it wisely. Don't forget to have the slips signed and bring them back on Monday."

We all quickly added each other to our contacts and made a group chat to discuss project matters.

I went up and grabbed a permission slip, looking it over. I watched Ashlyn walk right by without one, and apparently so did Aiden, who seemed to just appear behind me. I jumped a bit at the sound of his voice right next to me.

"Ash, you aren't gonna go on the field trip?" She glared at him.
"I'd rather stay home."

"But Ashlyn, you're just gonna leave me to go on a field trip with these nerds?" I gestured towards Aiden, as well as the rest of the group. I attempted to guilt her into taking one, but she just walked off.

"I bet we can get her to go." Aiden spoke up quietly, a small smirk on his face. I nodded. "You seem to have a plan, by the look on your face." He chuckled. "Yeah. So what was with that whole, ' you're just gonna leave me to go on a field trip with these nerds?' comment? Your friend has taken offence." He chuckled.

Well I guess we're officially friends now.

"I'm not quite sure." I laughed. A genuine laugh.


I had gone over to Ashlyn's house after school, like I usually would, getting a nice greeting from her parents. I had kinda lived at their house since my small apartment used to creep me out when I was alone, and me and Ashlyn would work on whatever. If there was nothing to do, she would often drag me into her ballet stretches or something, or I would drag her into one of my hobbies.

Just do things to pass the time.

Her parents were always nice, and I've accidentally called them mom and dad more than once. I think they see me as another one of their children, sometimes.

Ashlyn was devastated, telling her parents about the group project and being stuck with Aiden, and about how she didn't want to go back. I sat there and chuckled a bit, since I was just a bit more sociable than her.

I didn't mind Aiden. He seemed nice and cool. We shared some interests, and it seems we both like to bother Ashlyn, to an extent.

Her parents went on about how they wanted her to make friends, I didn't quite count, since we had known each other for a long time, and were basically siblings. I zoned out as they complained a bit, acting as if they were distraught that she had basically no friends.

We got along decently well, we told each other some personal things, we grew up in the same household, I spent the night often enough that the guest bedroom was reserved for me. We weren't the closest, but her parents were just happy that she had someone.

We could also both agree that most times, socializing is too much effort.

I was more open though. I made some friends, and went on all the field trips.

Everyone had been resolved to the silence, when there was a knock on the door. The four of us all stared at it. 3 out of 4 of us could do without other people in our lives, so we were all a bit confused.

Her father got up from the table we all had been sitting at. "That's probably the delivery guy."

Then Ashlyn froze up and tried to stop the door from being opened, but when it was, she quickly rushed to the bathroom.

There stood Aiden, and what I assumed to be their family. I waved from where I sat at the table, and he gave me a smile before looking at Ashlyn's father. "Hi!"

word count: 1179

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