>>>< 13 ><<<

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>>>< Escape is for Wimps ><<<

Taylor was crying in fear. Baby.

We were running, which was sad because I wanted to observe the unconscious creature, but oh well.

Then Tyler and his big mouth had to step in. "Taylor!" "Ty?!" "What's going on?!" Taylor ran into Tyler, hugging him.

Ashlyn answered, "Something's in the-" She was cut as the creature poked it's head around the corner and looked at us. "...go- go go go!" We bolted out of the room as it charged at us, Ben and Aiden slamming the door shut.

We were on the balcony now.

There was scratching on the other side of the door.

Logan stuttered. "W-What is that thing?"
"Your worst nightmare." I decided to try and spook the poor kid a bit more. Then Aiden had an even better response. "According to Tyler, that would be the 'prank' from earlier today." I had to keep myself from laughing.
Tyler was mad.

Aiden looked around. "It's kinda weird that no one at all has come outside after all the screaming and banging."

The door started to open and Ben slammed it shut again, this time holding it there. Aiden laughed. "That could've been bad." Of course that threw Tyler over the edge.

"Could've? Stop taking this as a joke! It's been bad! The sky is red for crying out loud!!"
"Well whining about it isn't gonna do anything."
"And laughing about it is?!"
I decided to butt in. "Actually, some people, like Aiden and I, have a subconscious that lessens our fears by trying to make us feel okay. Also, some people like this kinda stuff."
"Stuff where we could die?!"
"Yep, that's the point."

Taylor spoke, shaking, interrupting the argument. "Guys... look down..."

There were tons of the creatures. All looking up at us, before charging the motel.

Ashlyn asked where the boys' room was, which was 5 rooms down, and gathered strings from people's pants.

"I have an idea."

I looked down at the creatures storming us curiously. What was really going on?

word count: 316

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now