>>>< 52 ><<<

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A/N: I LOST MY '#1 IN SCHOOLBUSGRAVEYARD' TITLE NOOO I HAD THAT FOR OVER A YEAR. anyways ahahaha new and short chapter after... a while.. oops. no idea when you'll get another. ily<3

>>>< Waiting Game ><<<

I woke up after a bit. It couldn't have been too long though. Nothing seemed to have really changed, except for the fact that Aiden had pulled a puzzle cube out of his pocket, and was effortlessly completing it, repeatedly.

I watched for a bit before he realized I was awake. He smiled, instantly happier. Glancing at the still dark sky, before giggling, and saying, "Good morning, sweetheart."

He grabbed my chin and pulled my face close, connecting our lips for a split second before pulling back away. It was like no one else was in the room when it happened, and my head started spinning.  He chuckled a little, eyes roaming my face as it flushed red.

I broke eye contact, a little embarrassed, and he offered me the puzzle cube. I took it without a second though, a playful smile on my face as I messed up it's perfection. He smirked, voice quiet when he spoke.

"I can fix that without a struggle, I doubt you could fix it if you tried." That was a challenge. I absentmindedly started copying the movements I had been watching him repeat for the longest time, hoping that all this time watching him would come in handy. I'm not throwing away my shot to prove him wrong. While I struggled, he quietly started talking.

"So, uh, how are you holding up? Y'know, with... everything.." He'd suddenly become someone serious, tone soft and caring, his smile faltering a little. He seemed concerned, which tugged at my heart. Before I could answer, he continued.

"I want to make sure you're not feeling too guilty over this. You did what you could and saved Taylor from jumping out and meeting the same terrible fate." I was quiet a moment, thinking over how I wanted to say this.

"I know I did what I could, and I'm trying not to feel too guilty about it, but at that same time, it feels like I should've been able to. It feels like my piece of the group is more of a protecting one.. and I couldn't protect Tyler. Logan has his piece, being a good aim. Ash has hers as leader. You have yours as the daredevil who makes bad decisions... it's hard to figure out how I fit in all this. It feels like my part is to be confident and protective, and it feels like I failed at that. I already failed Tyler, I can't fail you guys again. I can't lose you, Aiden. I already know how this is all gonna end.. how I'll probably end. For you guys, I am either gonna die on the battlefield in glory or-"

He stopped me from speaking with his fingers on my lips, a hushing motion. His smile had faded to one of understanding sadness as he mumbled, "Talk less, smile more. You're overthinking. You're okay. We're all in this together, everyone is going to be okay, and everyone is going to make it out alive. Can you please try to relax a little? I know we're all a little worried about what's going on right now, but it'll be okay. You're spiraling."

I nodded a little, letting his words sink in a moment before pausing, a smile spreading across my face. Triumphantly, I handed him the puzzle cube, solved, somehow. I'm not sure how I did it, but I did. He laughed a little, quietly.

"Not what I was expecting from you." He smiled, setting the puzzle cube down and pulling me close into his side to comfort me. We stayed like that for a while, I drifted in and out of sleep, but I felt a little bit better.

Maybe things would be okay.

A/N: GUYS I DISSAPPEAR FOR A FEW(like 12) WEEKS AND I COME BACK TO 2.2K COMMENTS AND LIKE 75K MORE READS WHATT. okay, so, to explain. I- uh, terrible explanation, but I haven't been keeping up with the webtoon for one (i know i know shame on me) and two I WANTED TO PLAN IT OUT BETTER and three i got distracted by a ton of assignments and finals and im more focused on writing something else rn BUT I DO PLAN TO COME BACK TO THIS BOOK I PROMISE. idk when but i will

thank you guys for all the support i love you all thank youuu <33

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