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>>>< Conversations ><<<


"Well... because of how our injuries work in relation to each dimension, I think the bodies we use here and use in the phantom dimension are separate but also... connected. So, if they are connected in some way...what if there's a distance limit? If you travel too far from one body, then the other resets its position instead of going back where we were previously." Logan stopped.

It was interesting, and made decent sense.

I glanced over at Aiden, who smiled at me in return, looking bored out of his mind. His hand was still interlocked with mine, which he glanced at before meeting my eyes. There was the faintest of blush on his cheeks, and my breath caught in my throat. After a moment, he looked away, and I zoned back into the conversation, where Ash was talking.

"That would make sense... so the question is 'how far' is that distance limit? And if we traveled too far in the phantom dimension, would our bodies here also change locations?"
"That's a possibility... but there's also the fact that things don't move the same in the phantom dimension as they do in the human. I'm not sure how we would test it though-"

We were interrupted by a very bored Aiden slamming his head on the table with enough impact to make me concerned for his well-being.
"I get that learning about the dimension is important and stuff, but can we talk about something more exciting?"

I laughed while everyone stared at him, their silence disapproving. I gently let go of his hand to lift up his head and check for injury.

Tyler stood up to slap him, but the Taylor we know and love stopped him.

Ashlyn gently lifted her hand up as well, also being shot down by Taylor. I playfully slapped his head once I had made sure he was okay.

Aiden seemed to spur to life when Ashlyn spoke again, peaking my interest.
"What do you think about asking my parents to teach us self-defense?"
"Really?!" Aiden got excited immediately.

I heard a small comment from across the table, from what I think was Taylor, saying that I didn't need classes, a comment about my little fight from earlier today. Eh, she's pretty so she can get away with it.

Aiden seemed to grow a brain for a moment, turning to Ashlyn. "Ah-wait... your hair! If we show your parents your shadow, wouldn't that be proof of what's happening to us?!"

He was adorable when he was this excited. Cute. :)

Ashlyn shoved him off as Tyler made a comment about his usual stupidity.


On our way to the next class, everyone was talking about less pressing subject matter, like last nights homework and stuff, when I felt a hand grab mine. Warm and comforting.

I knew immediately that it was Aiden's again.

Someone had become quite bold lately.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye, a small smile forming on my face. He gleamed as I adjusted our hands to a better position, and I could practically feel Ashlyn's eyes baring into the back of my head.

I immediately remembered that time she caught me texting Aiden and assumed something, and I told her we were just friends. I had more than a feeling that this would be brought up again later.

And this time, I myself had no idea what we were anymore.


Aiden, Ash, Ben, and I sat on her steps, myself sitting in the grass as far away from Ashlyn as possible. She was giving me a death glare.

"Oh, there they are." Aiden said as the twins came up, Logan behind them.

"Tsk, tsk. You guys should really wear helmets."
"Oh like you would."
"Could you walk any slower?"

Their bickering was heard in the background as Ashlyn called to her parents, who were in the kitchen.

When we walked in, we were met with a strange sight.
"Um... what are you guys doing?"
"...making a snack platter."
I see that... but why so much? You two can't possibly eat all of that yourself."
"W-well you and your friends usually go straight to the graveyard to hang out-"
"-but when you called, you said that all of you wanted to speak with us this time so...we made uh- snacks... to eat... while we talk."

The anxiety of her parents was a bit funny, and I made my way over to the others on the couches.


Aiden was the most obnoxious eater I had ever met, especially for a rich kid. But eh, at least the food was appreciated.

Everybody was staring at him with looks of disgust. I sat next to him, slightly concerned, when Mr. Banner spoke up.

"So...what'd you kids want to talk about?"

word count: 763

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now