>>>< 38 ><<<

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>>>< Life ><<<

So while waiting on the bus I had a thought. Recently, Ashlyn has been super paranoid around the graveyard, thinking someone has been spying on us.

We all have just been assuming that it's wildlife, but what if someone actually is? Maybe someone who knows what's going on and can help us? Because other then that, we're boring and all we're doing is studying and training.

There was also that one time I thought I saw someone, but blamed it on the sweat in my eyes from sparring.

It was strange. Maybe Ash's paranoia is just rubbing off on me, who knows.

I was distracted from my thoughts by Aiden asking me about the homework and Ashlyn walking onto the bus with the most foul look on her face. Must be the concussion after effects.

She sat down, glaring at everything she gazed at. "This is the worst headache of my whole life."
"I wouldn't doubt it, Ash. With how loud you smacked your head, I could tell it hurt."

Aiden pitched in as well, very loudly of course, so I shushed him. "I'm surprised you stayed conscious so long!"

Thanks Aiden, for practically announcing that to the whole bus.

Thank god that no one was paying attention.

word count: 201

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now