>>>< 21 ><<<

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>>>< Just like in Chess ><<<

"Not good!"

The creature rushed at her and grabbed her hair.

I rushed to climb out of my spot under the bus seat, struggling a bit. Ashlyn yelled.

"Get the weapons!"
"Got it!"

Then grabbed their weapons and I grabbed my pole as Ashlyn kneed it in the head.

Aiden and Logan dragged her out of the way as I tried to hit the phantom in the eye Ashlyn had missed to blind it.

Let's just say it moved and my plan didn't work as I had hoped. A shame, really.

Aiden shot over and swiveled around, swinging it's head out the window.

"Close the window!" Logan and Ashlyn closed it, and I watched in horror as it scraped Logan.


Everyone rushed over to him.

As Tonic Motihala once said, "There is no success without sacrifice."

We may have sacrificed something, someone, on accident, just for our own success.

word count: 139

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat