>>>< 37 ><<<

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A/N See Guys I wasn't kidding when I said the finale had made me want to write more updates so ha have yet another one.

>>>< I Should've Been Allowed to Drive ><<<

Taylor swerved, car jolting and everyone holding on for dear life.

"Shoulda let me drive!" I practically yelled at a particularly rough turn.

Ashlyn grabbed her walkie violently. "Logan, go press the button!" "O-okay!"

We roughly skidded through the gates of the graveyard, gates then shutting behind us.

Everyone started to exit the vehicle, with good reason too.

"...Is everyone okay?"
"I'm gonna be sick."
"I second that!"

Tyler ended up vomiting. I didn't, but sure did feel like I could have. I have a few choice words for Taylor's driving skills.

Logan walked over to us and our mess. Tyler had made a mess of the ground, Taylor was supporting most of Ashlyn's weight, and Ben was helping Aiden balance on his good ankle. I stood off to the side, trying to stay out of Tyler's splash zone.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, until Taylor broke it with an excited yelp. "...We did it! Haha!"

Ah, the adrenaline just hit her. Whoop de woo.

Tyler smiled at his twin, wiping his face. "Yeah... we're pretty great, huh?" Of course, the twin dynamic, you can't help but love it.

It can't be a normal day in the phantom realm unless Aiden and Tyler start to bicker.

"Great? We were awesome!"
"What do you mean 'we'? You sprained your ankle and were basically useless from the get-go."
"I was not! Did you see me dual wielding those flashlights?! Without me and Ash, you guys wouldn't have stood a chance against those ceiling phantoms. Logan was pretty cool too! The phantom that was attacking Ash had a hole right in the middle of it's head! Perfect shot!"
"I can actually agree on that. He also took out the phantom that cornered Ben, Y/n, and I. Honestly we probably wouldn't all be here without him."

Logan's face grew red as he tried to deny it, but Tyler pushed on.
"U-uh not really- you guys did most of the work..."
"Stop. You've barely had any experience with a gun outside of Aiden's Airsoft, which I doubt comes anywhere close to the real thing. You should be proud."

"They're right Logan, you're really talented!" I cheered in agreement, walking up over to Aiden and Ben. The smiley man beside me started to yell again. "We should do something to celebrate!"

Taylor brought everyone's attention to Ashlyn with a concerned tone in her voice. "Ashlyn, are you okay? You haven't said anything, do you need to sit down?"
"...no." She chuckled softly. "I'm alright. Just a little...dizzy-"

Her legs buckled, and she started to drop.

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