>>>< 17 ><<<

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>>>< Wake Up Call ><<<

Ashlyn went on with her planning, about how we should stay inside and stay together and do mental exercises, blah blah blah.

I wasn't against Ashlyn leading, or her plan for that matter. I just wasn't feeling too good myself.

The time was still the same, and Ashlyn decided to take first shift awake. Everyone else was to sleep.

I closed my eyes, quickly falling into slumber.


Aiden POV

I looked over at Y/n again. I was getting worried. They weren't mentally there, lost in thoughts. Broken pride, maybe, Y/n had taken a bad hit to the shoulder, but wouldn't get it looked at, so I had no idea quite how bad it really was.

Y/n's stubborn, I'll give 'em that. Maybe a bit too stubborn. I smiled a bit, studying their face. I looked away quickly, my face flushed a bit. Goddamnit.

I chased those thoughts from my mind and closed my eyes.

Man, what was Y/n doing to me?



I awoke in the motel bedroom, and rushed to the bathroom, feeling like I was about to vomit. Sure enough, I did.

Just as I went to leave the bathroom, I realized just where I was, and freaked out a bit. Just then Ashlyn and Taylor rushed in to vomit as well. Was it all just a dream?

My shoulder hurt awful, and my entire body was burning up, but I brushed that aside. I couldn't feel the wound like it was open, and peeking under my night-shirt, I saw it wasn't physically there.

I relaxed a bit outside the room, and watched as Aiden and the other boys came rushing in. "Ah! Found 'em!" The other girl that shared this room stood behind me, groggy and completely confused.

We were all just as nauseous. Strange.

It was all very strange indeed.

word count: 292

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