>>>< 12 ><<<

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>>>< Dreams ><<<

Everything looked strange. Seemingly grayscale with some red was most of the color. I traveled around the places I had already gone. No people.

It was a dream, as far as I could tell. I was back where we saw the creature earlier, when all of a sudden I'm on the bus again. It all seemed so real. I tripped and slammed into one of the seats.

Strange thing is, it hurt. I saw one of the creatures crawl out from under the seat and I awoke to my bed back at the motel. The other girl wasn't in the bed, which was strange, but I brushed it off.

I checked my knee, bruising. Strange. Then maybe I was still dreaming? I got up and walked to the common place to get a drink when I heard a scream from Taylor's and Ashlyn's room. I rushed inside to see the girls terrified. 

Taylor spoke up. "I-Isn't that the thing from the Sorrel Weed place?" I overheard. "Oh really? Where I want to see it-" "No Y/n!" "Gah, you're no fun." "We need to leave before it gets up. Come on Taylor, snap out of it."

The three of us rushed out. Taylor piped up, "What-what about the other girl?" "She isn't here." I spoke up. It was strange that she wasn't here, but I brushed it off.

Whatever was going on, we didn't know the capabilities of that thing. Even though it's more boring, I have to admit.

Caution is probably key.

word count: 248

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