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>>>< You Can NEVER Study Enough When Chased by Monsters Each Night ><<<

We were all back at Ashlyn's house. I had my legs swung over Aiden's, half in his lap. Everyone was despairing over the Midterm. I glared up at the ceiling, opening my big mouth. "Was it just me or was that Midterm way too hard-" "Not just you." "I'm pretty sure I failed it." "Yeah, me too."

Aiden changed the subject, bringing up the news he had talked my ear off about this morning. "Oh yeah, my parents are coming back tomorrow." "Really?" "Yeah, along with Ben's family. It'll be his little sister's birthday in a week, I think."

Ashlyn's father had entered the room unnoticed, drawing everyone's attention at the sound of his voice. "Oh, they're coming back? They never told me." Ashlyn lifted her head from her knees, "You talk to them?" "Yeah a bit, to give them updates on how Aiden and Ben are doing. Hmm... should we have a BBQ?"

Everyone was confused. "What...?" "It'll be a rare chance for all of us parents to get together, y'know? We could have a big BBQ in the Graveyard and also celebrate Ben's sister's birthday, if they don't already have plans." "Sure! We can ask!" "What about you Taylor and Tyler? Logan?"

"I'm sure my grandparents would like to come. They're big BBQ fans themselves." 
"We'll ask."
"Great! ..oh! You kids should probably leave soon, it's already almost 5."
"Ah, right."
"You sure you don't want me to take you?"
"It's not too far of a walk... plus the Jeep doesn't have enough seats for everyone."
"Well actually- I made a small upgrade to the Jeep."

Let's just say it was quite crowded back here. Tyler was annoyed, mumbling "This is not ideal." Mike chuckled. "But at least it works haha."

We made it to the arcade fairly quickly, Mike yelling out the window. "You kids have fun! Call if you need anything!" "We will!"

Taylor looked at Ashlyn, concerned as her father left. "The arcade is fun and all... but are you sure you'll be okay, Ashlyn? We're supposed to be celebrating, and relieving some stress... I don't want you to be uncomfortable the whole time." I put a hand on Ashlyn's shoulder. "We care about you, Ash." She slid on her headphones.

"Yeah, these are pretty great at canceling out noise. I should be fine. Plus, I've never been to an arcade, so I'm kind of curious." Logan chimed from behind her, "me too."

We entered the surprisingly quiet building, looking around. Ashlyn paused, looking over at the DDR machine, when Aiden spoke up. "I bet I can beat you." My eyes widened as I shook my head frantically at him, Ash turning to him with a smirk. "How much?"

"Oh! Oh! I'm good at DDR too!" Taylor piped up. "I-I know how... but I'm not good at it." Logan had spoke, nearly being cut off as I added my two cents. "I know I can probably play better then a sea slug."

There was a huge DDR Competition, the twins fighting for the Basketball champion title, aggressive games of air hockey, shooting and aiming games, punching games, and much, much more fun as we all started to settle in, piles of tickets between us.

I heard a door open from across the room, and a large group of people enter.

Well then.

word count: 541

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang