>>>< 16 ><<<

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>>>< Preparations ><<<

Ben worked on Ashlyn's arm, cleaning it up and wrapping it up.

Logan and the twins were taking apart chairs. I sat alone with my back against the wall and my eyes closed, weapon in hand. I was startled by a loud smash, which came from Aiden.

"Aye look, another weapon!" He had smashed an old bottle against the wall to get the sharp half.

Tyler and Aiden must have some kind of tension between them, because he immediately yelled at Aiden. "Hey watch it! You should've done that in the bathroom, now there's glass everywhere!"

Logan stood up. "I-I'll get the broom." Ashlyn let out a squeak of pain as Ben tended to the injury. Aiden walked over there and I zoned out again, resuming my previous position.

All the ways I could have avoided that hit, yet I didn't. I could have blocked it, dodged it, anything different than what I had done. I had now let it cause physical damage to me, which hurt my pride more then anything. The dull, pounding ache in my shoulder still remained.

I zoned back into the real world, but didn't move.

"Thanks Ben. You're pretty good at this."
"Lol yeah, he's used to patching me up."
"Mm, various things? Skateboard tricks, rock climbing, hiking, jumping off tall places, stuff like that?"

Things were quiet again for a moment, until I felt a hand on my shoulder to get my attention. I flinched at the contact, then winced as my shoulder flared up again. My eyes shot open, and I was met with a concerned looking Aiden just a few feet away. He sat down next to me.

"Something is off with you. What is it?" He spoke casually, like it was no big deal, what he was trying to uncover.

"I'm perfectly fine, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Liar. Best friend, I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I am."
"But you've been acting like this since we saw the creature. All sullen and sad. Not smiling."
"I think you smile enough for the both of us, Aiden."
"Lol, but you still need to fess up. Did I miss something?"
"Is it your pride, maybe? Did something happen that you regret? Did you see somethin-"
"It's nothing to worry about."
"I want you to tell me, your best friend is worried about his best friend."

He put his hand on my shoulder again to try and be reassuring, but instead it caused me to wince again at the unexpected flare of pain, much more noticeable now.

Of course, he noticed.

"Y/n. Did you get injured?"

He looked me dead in the eyes and touched my shoulder again, gently this time, as if to tell me he knew.

"Are you sure?"
"As a group trying to survive such an enemy, we need to be able to communicate with each other."
"I know."

He sighed before muttering. "Just know you did this to yourself." He pressed harder on the injury, enough to make me let out a small, but audible gasp. He sighed, a small, sad smile still on his face.
"Ready to fess up now, best friend?"
"Fine, yes. I didn't move out of the way fast enough and got a small scratch."
"Then why did it hurt you so much?"

Neither of us said anything for a bit, but I could tell he wanted me to get Ben to look at it. I felt his stare every few moments, and I zoned out again.

I had always, often zoned out of situations I didn't want to be in.
Right now I was avoiding his attention, and the burning sensation in my shoulder.

I thought about Aiden. Why was he so concerned? Just best friend stuff? Yeah, we were close, but I didn't think he'd notice I was acting different, let alone be worried about it.

I started listening to the others again after a little bit, Tyler and Ashlyn were talking again. Ashlyn seemed slightly upset, annoyed maybe?

"I can hear and locate them when you guys can't."


Maybe her hearing could be useful.

word count: 651

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