>>>< 35 ><<<

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>>>< Rooftop Shenanigans ><<<

It was stupid. So stupid. But with enough effort, we (being Tyler and I) were able to hoist Aiden onto the roof. Not that it upset me or anything.

It was right after the gunshot, and as Tyler and I stood on the porch, we could easily see the phantoms practically flocking by.

Tyler and I started to head back inside, getting a message on the walkie from Logan, and then Taylor.

"The-the phantoms are heading back towards the graveyard, and there's only 17 bullets left now!"
"Me and Ben are in the first room to the right up the stairs, we found the key." Tyler looked to me quickly.
"Stay there, Y/n and I are coming up!"

We quickly navigated the house, meeting up with Taylor and Ben.
"You hear the thumping and banging too right?"
"That's Aiden and Ashlyn, probably. And they need to hurry because there are at least two phantoms outside the door."

Taylor and Ben both looked confused, and she went to the window, calling their names. We all then proceeded to get them in through the window, Ashlyn with a concussion and Aiden with his bad ankle. We then got a loud message from Logan on the walkies.

"Ah- wait!! Guys, the phantoms are running in your direction! From what I can see, there are about 20 of them!"
"Lovely. We need to leave immediately!"

Taylor supported Ashlyn as she started to dish out orders. "Here Ben, hand me the keys please. Ty, you should carry Ashlyn, and Ben, you should carry Aiden. And since Ashlyn isn't in the condition to drive anymore, either Y/n or I will-"

As everyone worked to do as she instructed, a loud crash sounded.

I pulled out my pole, ready to swing it hard if need be.

This was gonna be good.

word count: 291

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang