>>>< 8 ><<<

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>>>< Savannah ><<<

The teacher started yet another of his rants.

"Okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes eight hours to get to Savannah. In about four hours, around noon, we'll stop to get something to eat. Once we get to Savannah, you and your groups will have two hours to eat, go on tours, look at historic monuments, explore the area, goof off, etc. After, we'll all meet back up at the bus and head to the motels. Everyone who has a phone has added Mr. Lee's, Mrs. Sarah's, and my number, correct? Alright, then let's get this show on the road!"

I had sat next to the window, and Aiden had sat beside me, messing with a puzzle cube. Ben and Logan sat behind us, the twins in front of us, and Ashlyn managed to find a seat alone behind them, she preferred it. 

I was losing myself in bad thoughts when I was interrupted by his voice. "Wanna try?"

I thought for a moment. "I'm not quite sure how I'd do."
"It'll be a good way to pass the time. And I have plenty to choose from."

He opened his bag to reveal many puzzles. It was funny, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Got any 3 by 3's, puzzle boy?"

He laughed, and tossed one my way. I inspected it, thanking him, and tried to work it out. Beside me, he solved his in less then a second.

Taylor overheard and asked for one, and we all spent the time on the bus.

Me and Aiden talked about small things, I asked about his hobbies, he asked about mine. We got to know each other better.


Right before we arrived in Savannah, on the eight hour drive, I managed to solve one of the puzzles. Aiden was right, it definitely passed the time better then staring out the window.

It was a pretty place. When we all got out of the car, Ashlyn did her stretching thing that I had gotten used to, where she pops a lot of her bones. The rest of the group was a bit disturbed, but they'll get used to it like I did, eventually.

The teacher decided to remind us of the rules again. "Alright, everyone don't go too far out, make sure to be back here at five, and if anything happens call us immediately! When everyone is back..."

I zoned out, looking at the intriguing surroundings. Our group then had to decide what to do. We agreed on food first, then we went on a horse-driven tour in a carriage, which was interesting. We then looked at monuments, a cool place with lamps, (where I got a picture of Aiden with his head in a lamp, which I could use as blackmail later on.), and we got face paint.

I tried to stop Aiden from stealing coins from a fountain, but it was of no use. By then we only had about 40 minutes left. I jumped when the voice of someone I didn't know seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Excuse me! Would you be interested in a tour of the Sorrel Weed House? A group cancelled their tour last minute and now we have some empty spots if you guys are interested? It's only five dollars a person."

Taylor immediately got super hyped. "Wait really?! This place is supposed to be really haunted! We gotta go!"

All it took was the mention of haunted for me to be excited, and the others quickly agreed.

"Then right this way!"

We all headed to the house, blissfully unaware of the trouble it would cause us in the future.

word count: 604

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now