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>>>< Outing Stories ><<<

"Shane strangled Ben. Not with the intent to kill him, but just enough to damage Ben's voice box, because he knew that singing was something precious to Ben. Afterwards, Ben started spiraling into depression. And then depression turned to rage. When Ben finally went back to school, he confronted the group. But even after he beat the ones who hurt him, he didn't feel better. He didn't know what to do... to make the anger go away. So he kept picking fights. Even picked up street fighting. He stopped going to school and he'd always come home late. His parents didn't know what to do. Ben refused to go to therapy and would sneak out of the house. At some point, a kid he fought turned out to have an older brother who had connections with a gang. The gang found where he lived and, well- they ended up having to move."
"Ben was ashamed of what happened and realized his temper was far out of his control. That was when his parents suggested he come stay with us for a while. Since we were always traveling, doing new things, and exploring new places, they thought it would help him find a new meaning in life. Something he loved just as much as singing. He agreed and also started going to therapy. And so that's how he ended up living with me. His therapist also suggested taking up hobbies like gardening and drawing in that notebook he always carries with him. He's calmed down quite a bit, but there are times when something can trigger his anger. Like when he saw Logan and that other guy in the hallway."

"Wait, so he can still talk, right? Just not sing."
"I mean- he can, but he doesn't like hearing his damaged voice. So he chooses to be silent." He tapped Ben. "'Ight bud, ya can turn the music off."

Everyone was silent, and Aiden didn't move his hand from mine. No one seemed to notice.

Ashlyn started to talk. "Alright, let's move on then-" She was interrupted by Taylor.
"Thanks Ben. For letting Aiden share that with us, I mean. You don't even know us that well, but felt like we should know as a team. I'm sure it wasn't easy... so I just wanted to let you know that it was appreciated."

Ben nodded and a faint flush could be seen on his face. Aiden was smiling like an idiot, as usual. Well. things certainly were getting interesting.

Aiden POV

I wasn't quite sure what was going on with Y/n and I, but I definitely felt some sort of attraction towards them. 

I had ended up holding their hand though, so I was happy. Very happy. I really had wanted to kiss them, but got last second nerves. Ha. Lol.

I was dragged back to my thoughts when Taylor exclaimed loudly.

"Ah- sorry Ashlyn! I didn't mean to interrupt you..."
"Huh? No, it's alright. I also agree that it was considerate of Ben to let us know."
"M-me too..."
"Thank you, Ben."

Logan stuttered again. "Um... it's a little off topic- but I think I have a theory of what happened in Savannah. Well- er not exactly 'what happened' but how we went from Savannah, Georgia, all the way back here to Alto, Georgia on the second night."
"Right... that's something we've been stuck on for a while."

That had been strange, but who cares? One night Savannah, the next night in our beds at home. Of course, yeah, now we start where we left off, but it was boring.

"Okay, so what's the theory?"
"Well... because of how our injuries work in relation to each dimension, I think the bodies we use here and use in the phantom world are separate but also... connected."

I noticed Y/n nod a bit.

"So, if they are connected in some way... what if there's a distance limit?"

Damn. Well that was some boring talk.


A/n Two updates in one day?! I know, I too am surprised.

word count: 653

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