>>>< 48 ><<<

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>>>< This is the End ><<<
>>>< Season 1 Finale ><<<

Behind us, was the biggest, phantom I had ever seen. It looked absolutely deadly, with holes for eyes and rows of sharp teeth. I gripped Aiden's hand tightly, letting out a nervous giggle. I could practically feel the blood leave my face as I paled.

Tyler spoke after a few moments of stunned silence. "..There's no way any of our lights are strong enough to do any real damage to that thing..."

Logan stuttered through his sentence, obviously trying (and failing) to keep his cool. "Should I try shooting it?!"
"Not yet! We could end up attracting more!"

Glancing forward, there were giant rock pillars as the environment changed.
"Ashlyn, we need to turn around! We're going to end up lost and run into more of these things!"
"I know, I know!"
"It's getting closer!"

Ashlyn gritted her teeth, before swerving around a rock pillar. "Screw it!"

The giant phantom smashed a leg right next to the Jeep. "Is everyone okay?!"
"The door is banged up pretty bad, but none of us are hurt!" Somehow no one was hurt yet.

"These freaking roots and cars!" There was a large bump as we hit a root, and a swerve.

Looking over, I saw Tyler hit the busted door and tumbled out. I had to hold Taylor back to keep her from jumping out after him. "TYLER!!!"

He hit the road harshly as the car continued to speed straight by. "GO BACK ASHLYN! GO BACK!!" "I can't!"

My eyes never left Tyler as he plummeted over the edge of the cliff, failing in stopping himself from falling. There was a sickening crunch, the sound of a tree breaking, the sound of a body breaking.

I covered Taylor's eyes, unable to avert my own gaze from the small amount of what I was able to see from the speeding Jeep.

One thing was for certain.

Tyler Hernández was dead.

word count: 301

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz