>>>< 🍋100K🍋 ><<<

3K 58 78

A/N you guys liked the metal pole, you guys mentioned a side story, some even directly asked for 'y/n x metal pole'. I said maybe when we reach 100K, and here we are.

i left for a couple months to do some smut practice, let's put that to good use, shall we?

and just so i don't get shitty comments again because people can't assume, aged up, everything is consensual, blah blah blah. (on a real note consent is hot and use protection kids)

also we're assuming that the dimension either never existed or that they managed to free themselves from it whatever it's not a part of this.

ANYWAYS babes, enjoyy~~ 

>>>< 100k Special - Somebody Come Get 'er ><<<

Whilst finishing up my makeup, the photo I had framed at my station caught my eye. A picture from my first field trip with the group. Ash grumpily in the back next to Logan, the twins on the right in their matching shirts, Ben sitting on the floor in the middle with a double thumbs up, and I was leaning on Aiden on the left. It was a cute picture, and I'd made sure we each had a copy.

I'd been a little busy since graduation trying to pay rent, even picking up a night job in the process, but that didn't stop us from getting together every once in a while. Just last week we all went bowling. Apart from that, I couldn't help but miss how close we all used to be, but that's just how things go, I guess. 

As I finished applying the glitter to my eyelids, I stood up and took a step back, making sure I looked presentable. The strapless leather top the boss had bought for me when I started showed off my skin beautifully, the contrast against my skin tone making it shine. The shorts were still something I had to get used to, showing half my ass, but that was okay. They made me more tips. 

After running my hands over my hair a bit, and making sure my shoes were tight enough, I quickly grabbed the chalk and quickly peeked behind the curtain to see how big the crowd was tonight. The usual few people were already in their seats, but tonight was booming. There was plenty of new faces, which meant plenty of opportunity to earn good cash.

I stood there a minute, waiting for my cue before walking upstage, a fake smile full of confidence and very loud shoes on the freshly polished floor was enough to set the stage right. I heard a couple cheers from my regulars as I glanced around vaguely, stepping in front of the pole and posing a little as I waited for the cue to start my routine, making sure the view was good as a couple dollars got tossed up. 

Once the music was on beat, I started slowly walking around the pole, before beginning my routine, the newest one, and therefore getting some cheers as I went through the motions. Every so often my palms would get slippery and I'd apply some more chalk, but for the most part, things went smooth. Some money got tossed up, and as one of my favorite routines was ending, one of my highest-paying regulars beckoned me closer.

It was a regular thing, he'd hold up bigger bills and I'd go to the edge of the stage, get on my knees, and let him put it somewhere in my outfit. On this occasion, however, it was a busy night, so I had a couple people come up to me, mostly 20s, but also a 50 from some guy who looked like he could head a mafia, who wanted to get my attention.

As I sat there on my knees, legs spread, teasing my audience, I took a glance towards the door. The place was packed, and everything seemed fine for a moment, until I noticed the red eyes staring me down. His roots had grown out a bit since I'd last seen him, but for the most part, he looked the same as he always had in high school. Tall dark and handsome.

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