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>>>< The Sorrel Weed House ><<<

I noticed Ashlyn started to lag behind a bit as we entered, but thought nothing of it, instead, looking for anything that could be an indicator of anything supernatural.

If this place really was haunted, then I was going to see something.

Determination. A powerful thing, really.

"Welcome to the Sorrel Weed House! So, this is the foyer. Most everything in this house in original with the exception of the furniture and the paint on the wall." The guide went on, and walked towards a painting.
"This is the Francis Sorrel Library and the man you see in this portrait is Robert E. Lee. Lee was a dear friend of Francis who visited the Sorrel House quite often. In the winter of 61-62, just before the great war, General Lee used this room as his office. As far as the spooky activity goes, this room seems to be the most calm. Not to say there isn't any ghostly activity here, but out of the entire house, I'd say it's milder-"

The guide was cut off by the ringing of a phone.
"Ah... I'm so sorry, this is my emergency phone. I have to get this. I'll be right back. Continue looking around if you want but don't touch anything."

And away our guide went. Tyler and Logan began to bicker.

"Well, that's super professional."
"I-I don't think that's professional..."
"I was being sarcastic."

Taylor immediately seemed excited.
"Eh, an emergency is an emergency. It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyway!"

Her excitement must have been quite contagious, because even Logan let out a small cheer.

We looked around the a lot of the house, with still no sign of the guide. We were all searching for haunting activity, but nothing thus far. Ashlyn was lagging behind, and I considered joining her to check on her, but was distracted by a spider web I walked into.

Long story short, I got laughed at.

But it was cool.

Then Ashlyn took out one of her earplugs, and I realized she was probably hearing the noises again.

Tyler and Aiden spoke up when they noticed.

"Why is she wearing earplugs?"
"Ah! I thought they were wireless earbuds?!"

"Ow." The loud noise made her wince.
"They're earplug. I wear them because of my sensitivity to... sounds."

"Yeah guys, quiet down." I spoke quietly, and Aiden looked guilty.
"Oops. My bad. I thought they were for music."

I chuckled quietly at the look on his face.

Our group started to move on, and some of us were talking.

I paused when I noticed Ashlyn looked like she just saw a ghost. Her fists were clenched and she was sweating, she was pale, and staring at one of the areas.

Taylor started to speak. "Oh, that room looks cool! ... You alright Ashlyn? You look pale."

She quickly put her earplug back in. "I'm fine."

I looked over to where she had been previously looking and froze up.

"What the-" I smiled at the strange sight that was now behind Ashlyn. Was I going crazy? The others quickly noticed too. I wasn't the only one.

Logan stuttered out. "A-Ashlyn... behind you."

word count: 498

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