>>>< 25 ><<<

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>>>< Things That Can Be Used as Weapons Should Not Be Within Reach of Violent Children Until Over The Age of 18 ><<<

"...Is he being bullied?"
"It's him again."

Ben looked triggered, and Aiden concerned as he guided Ben away.

I noticed Tyler say to kids name, Barron I think, but I paid no mind as I dropped my bag of stuff, pissed. Tyler was talking to the kid, scolding him with a verbal threat.

I grabbed a piece of piping off the ground from where the bathroom piping was being fixed, holding it like a baseball bat. "Tyler, move." I walked over and swinging it at the kid's head as Tyler moved out of my swing range.

I missed on purpose, instead only hitting him in the shoulder, but damn did he look scared. I was sure there would be a dark bruise. I felt someone take the pole from my hand, probably Tyler as I walked back up to the kid again.

He turned tail as if to flee, but a quick catch of his jacket kept him from going anywhere. I punched him, throwing a fist straight to his cheek, the same one Logan had bruised.

"Take a taste of your own medicine you pathetic git." I let him go, hearing Ashlyn calling my name, a mix of laughter and annoyance in her tone.

Yeah, I caused a pretty big scene, but Logan seemed to enjoy me beating the kid up for him. I got a nice security escort to the principals office, where I was asked why I did it and stuff.

Eventually, they let me go with a few lectures, a big warning, and a few after-school detentions. I ended up missing a few classes, eventually getting a notification as some papers were being signed, quietly looking at it.

____ Phantom Fighters ____

Sorry, we'll see you guys at lunch. :D

Yeah uh I should be released by then too :P

Y/n that was unnecessary back there.

But it was fun.
Didn't even get in any major trouble. :P


I sighed in boredom, hoping I'd get out soon. My fist kinda hurt. I'd live. It was fun, anyway.

A/n: Sorry this took so long y'all! lol I had to make this chapter good, even though it's short. Also we reached 4k reads? Holy Guac y'all! Thanks so much!

word count: 356

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