>>>< 36 ><<<

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>>>< The Statues Game Just Got A Lot More Intense ><<<

"That came from downstairs..."
"Probably the phantoms that spotted Y/n and I on the street."
"And there's about to be a lot more."

Aiden was right, looking out the window, tons of phantoms could be seen rushing the house.

Tyler went first, opening the door to be met with a phantom directly in his face. His headlight held it off, and I took the opportunity to attack it, slamming the metal into it to knock it out of the way for good.

The lights were the only things to keep them at bay.

Everyone pulled out their lights, trying to get through the house, when Aiden opens his dumb mouth. "...well, this is intense." I roll my eyes, playfully glaring at him. "Well no dip Sherlock."

Ashlyn spoke up, voice a little shaky. "O-okay... let's just stay in a circle while slowly walking towards the Jeep. Me and Aiden will keep watch of the ceiling, and you guys cover all other angles."

We started working our way downstairs, our footsteps clicking loudly. Halfway down, we could now see the bottom of the staircase, where another two dozens of phantoms looked up at us eagerly.

We strategically worked to not die, focusing only on keeping them at bay. They were everywhere.

We had a message come in from Logan once again. "Guys, there are phantoms on the roof, be careful!"

We had made it out to the Jeep, holding the phantoms off. It seemed Taylor was going to be driving, which was a bit disappointing, but at least we had a higher chance of survival.

At the sound of another gunshot, I saw a phantom that had been on top of the Jeep die. Everyone rushed into the vehicle, and phantom hands smashed through the windows.

Taylor stepped on the gas as the car jolted forwards. What an adventure.

word count: 297

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat