Meeting Him.

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Hunter's POV

      Today was the day I was going to tell Willow how I felt, we've known each other for a couple of months now and she was one of the first people i felt like I could trust which is one of the reasons why I like her so much. I'm really hoping she likes me back, and I know even though im not entirely sure what im doing with the whole feeling's thing since its new to me, im still pretty sure that I like her.

As soon as I was ready, I put on my uniform and mask, then I went to tell Belo's that I was heading out for patrol which wasn't entirely a lie, I was going to patrol but I was also meeting up with willow in town.

On the way there I picked a nice flower that I thought willow would like. I eventually made it into town, and I was walking a bit before I saw willow waving for me to come over to her. I ran up to her and said "H-hey Willow." "Hey Hunter, so what was it that you wanted to tell me?" I took a deep breath and then handed the flower to her, "This is for you." I said as she took the flower  "This is nice thanks." 

I stood there awkwardly until I finally gained enough courage to say what I came here for "Willow I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out?" I took another deep breath and then looked up at her waiting for a response. 

Her smile had dropped and she looked at the flower and then at me, then she handed the flower back to me and said "I'm really sorry Hunter, I like you but just not like that. Im sorry I hope we can still be friends?" I didn't really feel upset just kind of confused, "Yea, friends. we can still be friends." I said with a smile, she then turned around and left while I just stood there with the flower in my hand.

I placed the flower gently in my pocket and then decided to take a walk through the woods, patrol could wait right now I needed to clear my head and figure out what exactly I was feeling, I started walking down a trail until I heard what sounded like crying. I decided that it wouldn't hurt to see where it was coming from so, I followed the sound and then I stopped because I saw what looked like a boy around my age sitting down by a tree with his knees up to his chest. He looked upset.

I slowly approached him and then said "Hi, um are you ok?" He looked up at me with tears streaming down his face, "I-I'm fine." He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. I kneeled down in front of him, "You don't look like your fine. Do you want to talk about it?" He looked at me confused and then said "Why? I doubt the great Golden Guard cares about how I feel." 

I get why he would think that, so I did what I wasn't supposed to do but for some reason I felt like I could trust this boy with anything, so I took off my mask and said, "What makes you think I don't care?" I smiled at him and I could swear he smiled for a second before looking away "Come on, if you don't tell me im just going to keep pestering you." The boy with the green hair laughed a bit, "Ok, ill tell you."

I sat down next to him and listened as he told me all about how this person, he was seeing ended up breaking up with him because they didn't think he was mature enough and so on. "Well, if its any consolation I think you seem pretty awesome." He smiled and said "Thanks." I hadn't noticed before but he has the most beautiful golden eyes ive ever seen.

I caught myself staring before he could notice, and then I stood up to leave but before I did I turned to him and said "What's your name?" he stood up and smiled, "My name is Edric, Edric Blight." "Oh, so your Amity's older brother?" he laughed "You know Amity?" I said yea and then I said "My name is Hunter." "Well, nice to meet you Hunter, I hope we can talk Again sometime." and just then a thought came to my head.

"How about tomorrow? Around the same time? I'll come meet you here and we can hang out and talk." We both smiled and Edric said "Yea, that sounds great." I was about to turn around again but then I remembered about the flower in my pocket, I took it out and handed it to Edric, "This was meant for someone else, but it didn't work out, so I want you to have it. Its beautiful just like your eyes." As I handed it to him I slowly realized what I had just said and then I quickly said "I'm sorry, I ugh didn't mean to say that. I got to go bye." I turned around and ran as fast as I could away from Edric.

As I got back into town for patrol I couldnt help but smile underneath my mask at the thought of getting to see Edric again.

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