Finally Free

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{Edric's POV}

Its finally the day I get to see Hunter again, he sent me a letter last night that said he would be able to go on patrol by himself tonight, and that I could meet him at the library at around eight tonight. I was so excited that I could barley sleep last night, so instead I stayed up half the night thinking about all the things Hunter and I could do when we finally saw each other again, like play video games or watch a movie together, or finally go on a date like he said.

I just cant wait until tonight. I was currently sat at the dining table downstairs eating breakfast with Emira and Amity, our parents once again couldn't join us for a simple meal because they were to busy creating the next great invention for the emporor. "Hey, Ed?" I snapped my attention back to Emira who was looking at me concerned, "Yea?" "Are you ok? You seem distracted." I smiled and said "Yea, I just didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm fine though." She looked at me again before turning back to her breakfast.

After we were done eating breakfast, Emira, Amity and I were walking to school when Emira pulled me aside, "Hey mittens, you go ahead, I have to talk to Edric really quick." She looked at us confused but then nodded and kept walking, "What did you want?" "What's going on? You didn't get much sleep last night and you were spacing out at breakfast?" I looked at her and said "It's nothing Emira really, I'm just happy that I get to see Hunter tonight. He said that he's planning on taking me on a real date." Emira smiled and said "Oh, ok well I'm glad its nothing serious. I was just worried about you." I smiled as we continued to walk to school.

{Later on in the day, after school.}

{Hunter's POV}

         I was out in the forest by the Hexside waiting for school to get out so that I could surprise Edric, I told Belos that I was going out to spy on Luz and her friends but instead I was just coming to see my boyfriend. Boyfriend, that word still seems weird to me, but a good kind of weird. I heard as the bell screamed signaling the end of classes and when I saw Edric and Emira walking down the steps I walked over to him and since I didn't have my mask on and was dressed in normal clothes I just went up to them and said, "Hey, Edric, Emira." I smiled as I tried to contain my excitement.

Edric looked over at me and slowly his smile began to grow wide as he realized that it was me, "HUNTER!" He said while running up to me and hugging me. "I missed you to." I laughed and gave him a kiss. When we both pulled away, I smiled and said "I'm so happy I get to see you again. Sorry I know its only been a week but still." "I'm happy to." I looked over to see Emira standing off to the side talking to Emira, and they were holding hands, I leaned over to Edric and whispered, "When did they get together?" "A couple of days ago, I kind of matched them together." Edric smiled to himself and looked happy.

I ended up walking home with Edric, Emira and Vinney. Amity was going home with Luz and there other friends so it was just us four since Edric said that his parents wouldn't be home till tomorrow since they were at some invention convention. {Haha that rhymed, yea I know that was stupid but whatever.} Once we got to Edric and Emira's house, we walked inside and went up to Emira's room to hang out.

About a half an hour later Edric and I decided to go to his room to hang out, and to leave Emira and Vinney alone. When we got to Edric's room I sat on the chair at his desk while he laid down on his bed. "So, are you ready for Grom? It's two days away." I smiled and said "Yea, ill have to be extra carful with my uncle since last time I almost got caught." He looked at me and smiled, "Tell him your searching for pailsman, or tell him your going undercover as a student at Grom to spy on Luz and king."

I looked at him and said "Actually, that might work. I cant believe I didn't think about that before." He got up from the bed and said "Wait, what?" I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him, "Think about it, he already wants me to spy on Luz, so why not tell him that's what I'm doing, he wont know the difference. Ill just tell him that I'm taking a date, which will be you, so that it looks more convincing." He looked at me and said "That sounds like a pretty great plan. I'm glad I could help." I leaned over and kissed him, "Now, about that date that I owe you." We continued to sit there and talk about what we wanted to do on our date that night.

Authors Note: Thank you for reading, I need suggestions on what kind of date they should go on, so if you have any ideas please comment them. Also this is random but my friend and I have recently decided that she is more of a king and I'm a Luz in our relationship lol, It makes sense if you know us haha. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

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