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Hunter's POV

    I was sat at a table in the lunch room when Edric walked up to me with his friends behind him, I got up to kiss him but when I did he pushed me away, "What was that for?" He rolled his eyes and laughed at me, "You really thought I would kiss you? I would never kiss a loser like you!" He then dumped his tray of food on me and walked off laughing with his friends. That's when I woke up in a cold sweat, it was just a dream, ok, unfortunately I had already woken Edric up with my tossing and turning.

"Hunter? Are you ok?" He said as he sat up in bed next to me, "Y-yea I'm fine, just a bad dream." I smiled, but I could tell that he didn't believe me. "Hun, what was your dream about?" I looked away and stared at the door to Edric's room, maybe I could make a run for it to avoid telling him about it. "Please?" He put an arm around me and pulled me closer to him, "Ok, fine ill tell you." He looked at me and nodded his head for me to continue.

I looked back down at the blanket and said "I had a stupid dream about you being mean to me and calling me a loser, saying that you would never date me." He sat up in bed and looked at me, I looked at him as well and he said "Hunter, that was just a dream, I would never do that to you in real life. Your my one and only, I promise you." He then leaned forward and kissed me slowly, when we pulled apart he wrapped his hands around me once again and pulled me in close, then we both slowly fell asleep.

Authors Note: Just a small short chapter, kinda fluff but not really. Also Mattholumule [sorry If I spelt his name wrong I was to lazy to look it up] and Gus will be making an appearance in the next chapter so that will be fun lol, anyways thanks for reading and have a nice night/day/morning.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ