She Knows

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     Edric's POV

           After saying goodbye to Hunter, I walked over to where Emira was waiting for me. "Finally, come on before Mom grounds us again for being late to whatever she wants us for this time." I started walking beside her and we were talking about what we thought mom wanted this time when Emira looked at me and said, "Who was that?" I stopped in my tracks because I knew if mom found out about Hunter and I talking she would be very angry, especially since he's the Golden Guard. But I knew that Emira would never rat me out to mom so I had nothing to worry about if I told her, right?

"His name is Hunter, and we met yesterday. It was after I got broken up with. He was very comforting." We began to walk again when Emira started to smirk, "So is he a special someone?" She really could be annoying with this stuff sometimes. "No, he's just a friend. That's it." She looked at me again and said "Are you sure? That's not what it looked like when I found you two in the woods, you know you on top of him and him being red as a tomato!" I rolled my eyes and said "It's not like that Em, besides we just started talking yesterday."

She finally let it go once we got back to the manor, once we made it inside we found our mother and Amity in the living room talking about some new invention our dad had made. "Hey mom, so what did you need us for?" Mom looked at Emira and then over to Amity and said "You two go to your rooms, I need to talk to Edric, alone." I gulped because this could literally be about anything, but there's no way she knew about Hunter, right?

As soon as Emira and Amity were gone, mom looked at me and said "Where and who have you been meeting up with for the past two days?" She knew, but how? I looked at her trying not to show the fear in my eyes "I don't know what your talking about." She looked angry but I still tried to keep a straight (hehe dear your anything but straight in my book) face, "Edric, this is no time for lying. Now tell me who you have been sneaking around with!"

I either tell her and risk never getting to see Hunter again, or I keep the lie that I have no idea who she's talking about and risk getting grounded and possibly have some invention of dad's follow me around, and yes, I know that I haven't known this boy for long but there's just something about him that makes me feel like I've known him forever. "I haven't been sneaking around with anyone." "Are you sure?" She pulled out her scroll and showed me the screen which had a picture of Hunter and I hugging. I felt my heart drop.

"Now Edric, do you want to try telling me the truth this time?" I looked at her and sighed, there was no point in hiding it now so why not. "Ok, fine yes I've been hanging out with this boy named Hunter, but you have to know that it was only because I had just gotten my heart broken and he was there for me when no one else was." I stared at the floor waiting for whatever response she had for me, "I refuse to have you spoil the name of the Blight's by hanging out with this boy, especially since he is the Golden Guard. I mean what if you do or say something that ruins your sisters chance at getting into a coven? Did you think about that?!"

Oh right, because what makes me happy doesnt matter to her, I mean did it ever matter to her?
"Did you ever think that I don't care how I come off for Amity's sake? I love her mom but I would think that having your kids be happy would be a little more important." Even though I was facing away from her I could still feel her eyes on me. "And maybe you should ask your daughter if she even wants to join a stupid coven." I still kept my head down but could also still feel her staring at me.

"Go to your room, and from now on I forbid you from ever seeing that boy again!" I got up from where I was sitting and was about to go to my room when she said "Oh, and Edric, dear, if I find out that you have been seeing him again, let's just say I won't be as nice next time. Do you understand?" She smiled in a sickly sweet kind of way and I just said "Yes, mother." And then I turned back around and walked as fast as I could up to my room.

When I got up into my room I saw Emira sitting down on my bed, "Hey Ed, what happened?" I sat down on my bed next to her and said "She Know's." Em looked at me confused and said "Know's what?" "About Hunter, somehow she found a picture of us hugging and now she says I'm not allowed to see him anymore. What am I going to do Em?" I laid my head onto her shoulder and she said "Edric, look at me." I lifted my head too look at her "What?" "Do you like this boy? And by like I mean really like him?"

That was the question though did I like him or was it just because I had my heart broken and he was there for me? Well, I guess I do like his smile and the way he laughs at my jokes even though there not funny, and the way he blushes when he thinks he did something weird but it's actually cute. Oh and the way he has that adorable little gap in his teeth, it's really cute. Mabey I did like him like a lot. "Emira, I do like him, I really like him and I can't lose him. He makes me feel important and seen and he seems to like me for who I am." She smiled and then said "Then were going to come up with a way that you can still see him without mom knowing, it may not be easy but if your really serious about this guy then it's worth it to see you happy."

I could feel myself about to cry so I gave her a huge hug and when I pulled back from her we continued to discuss our plan on how I could see Hunter without mom knowing. I sure hope this works.

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