It Was You!?

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Edric's POV

I was sitting in my room waiting for Emira to get back from talking to Hunter when there was a knock at my door, "Come in." It was of course Emira, I jumped up and ran over to her, "How was he?!" "Whoa calm down." She said as she shut the door. "He is fine, at first he thought you hated him but I explained everything." Wait, he thought I hated him? I could never hate him. "You told him that I didn't hate him, right?" She smiled and said, "Yes, also he says that he misses you too." I smiled at the thought of Hunter missing me.

"He also agreed to our little plan for tomorrow night." I smiled and said "Great, now we just need to try and not get caught by mom." She looked at me and said "Don't worry, we wont get caught and you and Hunter will be reunited once again." She said as she put her hand on her head and acted like she was a damsel in distress, I swear she is so dramatic sometimes.

I seriously hope this plan works, or else ill be in even more trouble than I was before. "Ok, now that were done with that, I'm hungry." "We just ate." I laughed "Well I'm hungry again." I said while I was making my way out of my room and down to the kitchen.

Hunter's POV

I made my way up to my room after I got back from meeting with Emira, and just as I had taken off my mask I heard a knock at the door, "Yea?" "Golden Guard? May we talk?" Ughh its Kikimora, "Yea hold on ill be right out." I sighed as I put my mask back on. I opened the door and stepped outside, I looked down at Kikimora and said "Yes?" "I just thought you would like to see a picture of the most interesting thing I saw the other day." I rolled my eyes, "What is it?" She took out her scroll and showed me the screen, I could feel my breath hitch. It was a picture of Edric and I hugging, the same one Edric's mom was sent.

"It was you!?" "Of course it was, maybe next time instead of hanging out with your little boyfriend, you should try sticking to your duties. Unless you want me to show your uncle this gem." She says while keeping the photo in front of me so I can see it. "Do you just like to ruin my life? Is it like some goal of yours!?" She laughed then said "No, it's just an extra perk of the job." She then put her scroll away and started to walk away. If she tells Belos then I'm dead, just add that to stuff I have to deal with now.

I walked back into my room and then closed and locked my door, I then took my mask and cloak off so that I could change into my night clothes and maybe get some sleep. I have a feeling it's gonna be a long day tomorrow.

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