Family Meeting

180 12 3

Hunter's POV

            I walked into the Owl House after being greeted by Hooty at the door, he had informed me that Eda, Luz, Raine and King were not home yet, so I decided to go check on Flapjack. I had walked over to mine and Luz's room to see that Flapjack was sitting perched on the window seal, I walked over to the desk and took a seat, "Hey, buddy how are you doing?" He chirped a bit and then flew down to the desk.

"Are you hungry?" He nodded his head yes, I then grabbed some food out of my bag that I keep for him and put it on the desk in front of him, "There you go." I said as I pet his head softly. I sighed and leaned back in the chair, "Flapjack, you're lucky you don't have to deal with relationships, Ed wants me to leave with him in a year, but I don't think I can do that." 

Flapjack looked up from his food and stared at me, then he chirped two times. "I don't want to disappoint him, I mean I love the boy, but I have a family now and I can't just throw that all away." He looked at me and I couldnt help but to start crying, "What am I supposed to do? On one hand I want to run away with him, but on the other hand I finally found a home and a family that loves me. I just don't want to deal with it." 

I laid my head on the table and started crying, Flapjack then hopped over to me and started rubbing his head on my cheek as to say that he was there for me. After a few minutes I heard Luz yelling my name, so I tried to wipe my eyes of the tears, but she had already made it into our room. "Hunter, are you ok?" I turned my head away from her and stared out the window, "Yea, i-im fine." I said while still trying to stop the tears from falling down my face.

"You know that you can tell us anything right? Your family now." I wiped my face again with my sleeve, then I turned back around to face her, "I know, but Luz everything is falling apart, and I don't know how to fix it." I said as she took a seat in front of me. "What are you talking about? What's falling apart?" "Everything! My relationship with Edric, and the whole running from Belos and-" She looked at me concerned and said, "Hunter, breath. Look at me, ok calm down." I took a few deep breaths and looked at her.

"I-I just can't do it, I don't know what to do anymore." Luz smiled gently at me and said, "Ok, how about we go talk to Eda and Raine? We can have a family meeting and you can tell Eda how you feel, I think you would feel better if you told her." I nodded my head, and she held her hand out to me, I took it and we walked out of our room and into the living room where Eda, Raine and King were sitting.

"Eda, Hunter has something that he needs to tell you." When Eda looked up at me, she had a concerned look on her face, "What's wrong kid?" I took a seat to the side of her and Raine, I then took a deep breath to calm down. "A few months ago, Edric and I made a promise to run away together once we turned 18, but now that I've found an amazing family and I have a life that I love and an amazing boyfriend, I just can't leave, but he still wants to because he wants to get away from him mother and the whole thing with having to run from Belos, it all just so stressful and im scared. I don't know what to do, everything is just falling apart." and here come the tears again.

Here I was crying for the 3rd time today, that's a new record for me, and I thought Eda would judge me because that's all Belos and Kikimora did when I was younger and would cry in front of them. Instead, Eda pulled me into a tight hug and said, "It's all going to be ok kid, were going to figure it out, and im never going to let Belos catch you, your safe with us, because were your family now." I held onto her like a little kid that had just been reunited with his mom after getting lost in a mall. It felt nice.

Authors Note: It's an update, finally, anyways Hunter's having a bit of an existential crisis right now so stay tuned for how that turns out. And as always have an amazing Morning/ Afternoon/ or Night.

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