Somewhere New

125 11 4

Hunter's POV

     I was sitting in the living room listening to King go on and on about some small child that disrespected him at the park earlier, when I heard a knock at the door. I was thankful because it gave me an excuse to not listen to King for a bit. I opened the door and Darius was standing outside, "Hi." "Hi, can I come in?" I looked at him, wondering why he was here. "What for?" "I came to talk to you about something." I finally stepped aside and let him in.

We took a seat on the couch, and I asked King to give us a moment, he ended up going to the kitchen for a snack. "So, what did you want to talk about?" "You, or more specifically you moving in with me, im not sure if Edric has told you yet but his father and I have gotten a place together on the other side of town. I was hoping that once we had found a place that I could take you in." I was slightly confused on what he was asking me, but im pretty sure at the same time I understood what he was asking me.

"You're asking me to move in with you and Mr. Blight?" He laughed and said, "Yes, and you can call him Alador." I smiled and said, "That's amazing, but what about Edric and I dating? Wont it be weird with us living together?" He smiled and said, "It's not like Alador is adopting you, and I trust that you two will behave yourselves, especially since you will be sharing a room with him." I looked up at him in surprise and said, "Wait, really?" He nodded his head and said, "Only if you promise to cause any trouble with him, got it?" I nodded my head and hugged him, "Thank you. this means a lot to me." 

I pulled away from him and he looked at me smiling, I was smiling to but then I realized one important detail about all of this, it would mean that I would have to leave Luz and King, I mean I know I can see them around town, and I could see Luz at school, but it wouldn't be the same. These past few months Luz has become like a sister to me. "What about Luz, and King? What am I going to tell them?" Darius put his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way and said, "You will still see them, at school and around town. Plus, im sure Luz is going to be around a lot with Amity." 

I smiled and said, "Your right, so when do I move in?" "At the beginning of the summer, that's when Edric, Emira and Amity are coming." I continued to smile and then hugged him again, this time he hugged back, it felt nice to have someone who cared about me this much to offer me to move in and be like a family to them, just like when Eda, Raine, Luz and King did the same for me a couple of months ago. I'm not used to it, but it's nice.

Authors Note: Question time! Ok so how should Edric and Hunter decorate their new room together, like what theme? Also, what themes should Emira, and Amity go with for their rooms?

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