Are You Cheating On Me?

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Hunter's POV

     Currently I'm sitting in my room reminiscing about the wonderful night I had last night with my boyfriend, it was truly magical. Unfortunately today I was back to my guard duty's so I have to go and get ready for my shift. I got up from my bed and head over to my closet to get my uniform out, I change into my uniform and put my mask on, then I head out of my room and lock my door so that Kikimora doesnt start snooping around.

I head out of the castle and into town for my patrol as the Golden guard.

Edric's POV

     I was sitting in my room with Emira, talking about how much fun we had the night before. "EDRIC, WOULD YOU COME DOWN HERE? I HAVE SOMEONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU." I looked at Emira and she just shrugged her shoulders to say that she knew nothing of what was happening. "Ill be right back." I walked out of my room and down the stairs where I saw my mom and a boy who looked to be around my age standing next to her.

"Yes mom?" "Edric, I would like you to meet Dillon, he's a friend of mines son who has just been dying to meet you." I looked over at him and smiled, "Hi, nice to meet you." He smiled back and held out his hand for me to shake, "Nice to meet you to Edric." I then looked over at my mom and said "Mother? May I talk to you in the living room? Alone." She smiled and said "Of course." We walked into the living room together.

"Mom, what is he doing here?" She smiled and said "Well, he seems to have a crush on you, and I thought it would be nice if you to went on a little date." I sighed and said "Mom, you know I'm dating Hunter. Why would you go off and set me up on a date with some random guy?" She looked at me like she was getting mad, "Hunter? Your not allowed to see or be with Hunter anymore, remember?" I shook my head and laughed, "You cant tell me who I can and can not love." She then looked me straight in the eyes and said "You are going on this date wether you like it or not! Now go get ready."

I looked over at Dillon who was just standing there looking at us concerned, I gave him a smile and then walked past him and up to my room, "He will be down in just a few dear, would you like some tea while you wait?" I could hear her say in her sickeningly sweet voice.

I went back into my room and looked at Emira, "What happened?" She said "Mom's trying to set me up on a date with one of her friends sons, because she really doesnt want me dating Hunter." I groaned and flopped back down on the bed. "Seriously? She knows that your dating Hunter, yet she is still trying to set you up on a date?" "Yes, and now I have to get ready for said date even though I don't want to go on the date. Hunter is going to be so mad at me if he finds out about this." She looked over at me and smiled.

"If he does find out, just explain to him that it was mom's idea and you had no idea that she was planning it." I groaned again as I got up from my bed and walked over to my dresser to find something to wear.  After a few minutes of looking I finally found some black jeans and a pink sweatshirt and then made my way downstairs with Emira,

When I got back downstairs, we walked into the living room where Dillon and my mother were sitting drinking there tea. "I'm ready." I said as I walked into the living room. "Great, how about we get going, oh and Mrs. Blight thank you for the tea." We both walked out of the house and made our way into town.

When we got into town, Dillon said "So, what track are you in at school?" I looked at him and said "The Illusionist track." He smiled, "That's cool." I sighed and said "Look, I have to say this but, I don't want to be on this date. I'm sorry, It's just that I have a boyfriend already, the only reason my mom set us up is because she hates him." We both stopped walking and he said "Really? That's a huge relief, because when I told your mom that I liked you, I meant like in a friend way, and in a way like i wanted to be friends with you not date you."

I smiled and looked at him, "Yea she can jump to conclusions sometimes." "How about instead of a date, we just hang out and walk around town." I nodded and said "that sounds nice." We walked into town and started looking around at the shops.

We were walking when I heard someone say "Edric?" I turned around to see Hunter, in his golden guard uniform. Great now he;s gonna think I'm cheating on him. "Hi, Golden guard." Hunter looked at me and then said "Come with me, I need to talk to you." He grabbed my hand and took me behind one of the buildings, "What are you doing here with him?" I looked at him and said "It's not what it looks li-" "What it looks like is that your cheating on me." I shook my head and said "No, I'm not, my mom set us up. She really doesn't want me dating you, so she set me up with one of her friends kids. Don't worry though he doesn't like me like that, we were just hanging out in town to make mother think that were dating."

Hunter took off his mask and gave me a small smile, then he said "Ok, I trust you. I have to get back to my guard duty but ill come bye to see you later tonight." I smiled and then he gave me a kiss and then put his mask back on. "Bye, I love you." "I love you to." He then took off and I went back to Dillon.

Authors Note: Sorry for the late update, its currently 11:55 pm as I'm posting this. Anyways thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it and sorry for any spelling errors like I said its almost midnight and I'm tired lol. Goodnight.

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