Saving Goldie

274 18 2

Edric's POV

It's currently 2 am and everyone is gathered at the Owl House, everyone meaning Luz, Amity, Emira, Raine, Eda, King, Willow, Gus and Lilith. We all decided to meet here before we headed to the castle to save Hunter, "Hey, Ed are you ok?" I turned to face Emira "Yea, are we almost ready to go?" She nodded her head and then went back to Amity and Luz as they created some gliphs to use on the guards if needed.

After we were all packed up and had what we needed, we started making our way to the castle. All I could think about while on the way there was that I hoped this would work, because I need Hunter.

Once we arrived a little ways away from the castle, I dismounted from my pailsman and gathered everyone around me, "Ok, so the plan is that Emira and Gus will use illusions to distract the guards in the front, and Luz and Eda will use gliphs to distract Kikimora. Then Raine and Lilith will walk me in to get to Hunter's room since they used to work here. {Probably makes no sense but whatever} King and Willow will stay out here and wait for me to bring Goldie so that you two can take him to the Owl House right away."

"Everyone understand?" They all nodded or said yes, then we all took our places. Em and Gus had made themselves into an illusion of both guards who were standing at the door, they walked up to them and said "Hey, its shift change, time for your break." Both of the other guards looked at them and said "Cool." and left, then Luz and Eda ran inside to distract Kikimora, then I got behind Raine and Lilith as they started walking into the castle, when they finally made it to Hunter's room they both turned around after Lilith did a spell to unlock the door.

I ran inside and then shut the door and locked it again, I looked over at the bed and saw Hunter lying there. I walked up to his bed and sat next to him, "Hunter. Im here, were getting you out of here." He woke up and then looked over at me, "Edric?" I nodded and smiled as he sat up and hugged me. I kissed him and held him for a few seconds before letting him go. "Come on, we have to go. Willow and King are waiting for us outside and everyone else is either fighting or distracting the guards. We have to go now." He got up from the bed and grabbed his bag that he had already packed for him and Flapjack and we made our way out of the castle.

Once we got out of the room, Lilith and Raine were waiting for us. We followed behind Lilith and Raine closely while they lead us out of the castle doors. Once outside Hunter and I ran over to Willow and King, "HEY GET BACK HERE!" I turned and saw one of the guards running after us, so I turned around and kissed Hunter, then I told him to go with Willow and to stay at her house until I come to get him.

I gave him a look that said 'Go now or we wont get out of this either way.' Or something like that, either way he hopped on his staff and took off with Willow and King. I turned back around in time to cast a brick wall illusion in front of the guard that was running towards me. He ran smack in the middle of the wall, which I have no idea how he did that since it was an illusion. As soon as I saw that everyone was gathered back in the front of the castle or rather a few feet away from it, I ran as fast as I could to join them.

Before I could get to them I felt something sharp hit the side of my face, but I kept running until I got to where Emira was and I hopped on the back of her staff and we all flew off back to the Owl House. Once we were in the air and away from the castle I raised my hand to touch the side of my face and when I pulled my hand away I saw blood, I wiped it off on my shirt and waited to deal with it when I got back.

When we landed in front of the Owl House, Hooty let us all in to the house. I walked in and saw Hunter sitting on the couch, "Hunter? What are you doing here? What is he doing here?" I said as I turned to Willow who was standing by the couch. "He refused to leave you, he said that he wanted to wait for you here." I sighed but walked up to him and gave him a hug and kiss on the forehead. "Edric, your bleeding." He said as he touched my face, I winced in pain.

"Here, sit." I did as he said and then watched as he pulled a first aid kit out of his bag, He opened it and grabbed some alcohol swabs, "This is gonna hurt a bit." I smiled and then he started to clean the cut on my face, I winced again. After he had cleaned up the cut, he grabbed a bandage and gently placed it on my cheek. "Thank you." He smiled and said "No, thank you for everything." He then kissed me gently on the lips.

All the adults had gone to the kitchen to make something to eat and all the teens had made their way into Luz's room, besides Hunter and I, who were still in the living room talking. "What if he comes for me? What are we going to do then?" I gently rubbed his head while he laid in my lap, "Shh, just rest for right now, you've been through a lot. It's over now." He smiled and slowly fell asleep in my lap. What happens next is a mystery for now, but as long as he's ok, that's all that matters right now. I laid my head back and closed my eyes letting sleep take over for a couple of hours.

Authors Note: Hunter is safe, finally. I hope you liked that chapter, its currently 12 am right now and I'm tired but I really wanted to finish this chapter lol. Anyways thanks for reading and goodnight.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara