Your Cute

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Hunter's POV

     I walked up the steps of Hex side and just as I was about to open the doors, I heard someone yelling my name, I turned to see Edric running over to me with a bag in his hand, "HUNTER!" I laughed as he almost tripped up the steps. He finally got up to last step and was breathing hard, "I really need to start exercising more." He then started laughing and said, "Ha like I'll ever do that." I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit. We finally moved out of the way and went into the school.

Once we were out of everyone's way, Edric held the bag up to me and said, "Here's your gift." He smiled and handed me the bag. I took it and opened it, I reached in and pulled out a green teddy bear. "It's so cute, it reminds me of your hair, I love it." I leaned in and kissed him. "I'm glad you like it; I wasn't sure if it would be corny for me to get you this." He hid his face from me, but I could see that he was blushing.

I grabbed his hand in mine and said, "I love it, and it's not corny, it's really cute." He smiled again and then we started making our way to our first class of the day.

Edric's POV

     After the first few classes of the day, it was finally lunch time, so before I headed to the lunchroom I waited for Hunter to get out of his class that he was in. A few minutes had passed and finally he had walked out of the classroom, "Hey." I said as he walked out. He smiled as I grabbed his hand, we then started walking towards the lunchroom.

After we grabbed our lunch trays, we went to sit with Emira, Vinney, Jerbo, and Barkus, who were all sitting at our usual table. We took a seat next to each other and then started to eat our lunch, "Edric, did you give Hunter his gift?" I could feel myself starting to blush "Yes, and he loved it by the way." I said as I felt Hunter grabbing my hand under the table as to be comforting.

We finished our lunch and then made our way to the rest of our classes. 

[I'm skipping the rest of the school day because I mean its school how boring lol]

After school had ended Hunter and I were sitting on a bench outside of the school waiting for Emira and Vinney, Amity and Luz had already started walking home with Willow, Gus and Matt. Hunter had called his uncle and asked if he could hang out with Emira and I after school today and he said yes since I guess he likes our parents for being loyal to him. More like fake to him. [That made no sense but whatever it's like almost 12 am while im writing this so.]

Anyways, we decided to hang out in town and walk around for a bit until we got bored and decided to get ice scream, yes, I know two times in a few days but what can I say we love Ice scream. After we got our Ice Scream, we all sat down and started eating and then I looked over at Hunter who was sitting next to me and noticed that he had gotten some Ice Scream on his nose, so I grabbed a napkin and wiped his nose of the cold treat, to which he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I said "You, your so cute sometimes even when you're not trying to be." I smiled as I put the napkin down and continued to eat my own Ice Scream. "Sorry." Hunter's face went from happy to a concerned face, "Its fine, Its cute." I laughed, "Its cute to be cute?" He rolled his eyes and smiled "Yes." We both laughed and then noticed that Emira and Vinney were starting at us. "You two are perfect for each other." Emira said while smiling and eating more of her cold treat.

By the time we were done eating and window shopped for a bit, it was time for Hunter to head home. "Ill see you tomorrow at school." He said as he leaned in and kissed me goodbye. I kissed him back and then when we pulled away, I waved bye to him as he walked away and said, "I'll see you tomorrow." I turned back around to were Vinney and Emira were standing and said "Ok, who's ready to go home, im tired." They both nodded their heads in agreement, and we started walking back to our house.

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